What Country fascinates you the most?
I don't just mean the "I like the USA because they're always doing this...." etc, I also mean the names of countries like Turkmenistan....
Think of something original...
Mine would have to be Malaysia, not only because I've been there a few times, but also because its so intense. The heat is nice, the natives are, the food is too...mmmh
"OH MY GOD!! Theres a meteor heading for us and the sun's about to explode, and...and...and!!"
"Oh, shut the f*ck up!!"
Now that you're reading this, can you tell me what E=mc² means and make it at least 2,500 words...
The Greatest Flash Games Index
I will not tell you for what the THM stands for in my name.
{Just remember me as the crazed up german who sometimes can't spell}