For clarification: I've been wanting to play this game since 1999. I've known about this site since April of 2003, I didn't start posting until May, as I did a lot of reading before I made posts, I've never been called a n00b or newbie.
I owned Freelancer as of October or early November of 2003 with expectation I would be getting my new computer soon. I received my custom spec computer at the end of Janurary. After some days of customizing the settings and adding in an extra DVD-Rom and HD, I was able to play Freelancer for the first time. 11 days later, I beat it.
As to your question about what it was like to read about and even do some editing on a game I had never tried ... I was probably able to appreciate it more. If I had owned it the first day it was out, I probably would have been put off by how different it is from the WC series I've known for so long.
There were some negative comments on the game and that kept me from overestimating what it would be like. In fact it dropped my expectations to a point that I was actually surprised how much better it was than that.
The neat thing about how I did it, it's fun to hear about a world or game you know nothing about for a while before venturing out. You don't feel so inexperienced coming out of the Manhatten docking ring for the first time.
I also got the game for cheaper by waiting.
And as for doing some mild editing of the ini's before I could play the game, it helped me gain an understanding of how the game works which was nice. It felt a little like being Neo and seeing the code as you fly through a tradelane.
I am actually always behind on games. When I use to play games more, I would play those that were 6 months older and half the price. When I finally finished or became bored with a title, a newer one would now be old and I'd get that for half the original price. Still new to me.
I can say the story of FL is not as satisfying as Privateer which I still play from time to time. But this is the first PC game I've ever owned where open play was nearly enough for fun and amusement. GTA for platforms would be the other open play that is still fun. I do say that I don't feel as compelled to play FL all the time as I did with the Privateers. Maybe because I'm older, however probably mostly due to the poor story. It's rather similar to Privateer 1, but without the great in-flight taunting system!
That's what I think. Overall, I'm pleased that I wasn't able to play it right away, it kept me on these forums longer and I had fun talking with all of you gents.
Sir Spectre
EDIT: Oh and for Wolfy, use the links then copy and paste them into a text file.
My Humorous & True Lancers Reactor Plays; with REAL posters as characters in these divine comedies, hosted right here on TLR:
"Much Uba About Nothing"
* "This might be the funniest thread
EVER seen on these forums. Encore!" - Stinger
"The Taming of the Psycho" (Hey)
* "Bravo! Bravo! Wow your writing is impressive!" - mb52
* "If I video'd my face while reading this, it would've been a comedy in itself." - Imagine
"Reynet - The Prince of Starfyre"
* "I be damned if this isn't your best play yet Sir Spectre." - Nickless
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 4/1/2004 3:18:46 PM