The Balloon Debate
For the benefit of those who don't know what the heck I'm talking about, a balloon debate is where you have a hot air balloon containing the last people alive on Earth. Unfortunately you're over the sea and the balloon is sinking. To survive you must get rid of people by throwing them over the side.
You enter whatever character you want (can be fictional, but popular fictional - no obscurities please) and reasons why they will benefit humanity so must not be thrown out.
I'll record the first 20 entries and knock them off based on people's reactions. The winner will receive a healthy dollop of gratification.
Please enter your character in italics along with your justifications
Please enter any comments concerning other people's CHARACTERS as normal text
Please enter anything else inside {curly brackets}
You don't have to do this of course, it just looks a little clearer.
EDIT: Please do not tell me to kick off people who have not been entered onto the balloon the first place... choose from the list below. I will only accept your first entry, unless they all have justification.
Edited by - The Evil Thing on 4/1/2004 1:00:02 AM