well, eskie. Thats what they all think, few actually know about my violent nature, but they all know that they have absolutely nothing to fear from me. Smoking keeps it supressed of somesort, I have grown quite the relaxt, openminded and socially more active character since i started Smoking, BUT the nature still remains, its also the reasons that I rarely drink. because i the not so distant past I had a habit of starting to drink after I got pissed at some person, which threw me in a fit of rage whenever that person spoke out of tone to me or tried to bug me.
As a result of that rarely drinking, my body has a very high Alcohol resistance. which in turn troubles the breakdown of the Alcohol, because my body resists it with all its might the Breakdown takes a lot of my body, thus the entoxicating effects are strengthened by a twofold- or more. Besides, I rarely feel the need to drink. I think we can all say Amen that Beer is the Most consumed alcoholical product in the world, well I don't like beer, it makes me ill and makes me wanna throw up, just by the smell of it. instead I drink Whiskey or Vodka, which I do like, but unfortunately has a very strong effect. So the past has thaught me a thing about drinking that I best remember if my Violent nature is to be kept suppressed, and at all times, dormant. I am myself a cheerfull, ever positive bloke, I am almost never Violent, except when I need to be Violent (Shut up Chet
). On a SideNote to drinking, a wise friend of mine once said: When Drowning Sorrow, Please remember that Sorrow can swim.
Basicly, an Adrenalin Rush is to me the same as a fit of Rage, I don't know what I am doing at that moment, everything goes black and somehow I act on instinct, Warrior Instinct that is. So I could become a potential danger. I have learned to control it now also Thanks to smoking, and Meditation
Basicly you have nothing to worry about, I am really a very nice Bloke to chat with or conduct other activities with (SHUT UP ARCH
). I am always Happy or Jolly Gay