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Bomb Blasts Madrid

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:40 pm

Aparantly this tradegy occured 911 days after..september 11th. Coincidence? Conspiricy? Who knows...

Post Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:45 pm

@Aceaz, 4 bombs, differenet locations like 911 too. Too close for comfort for me. I think it was coredenated for the timing.
Current update


Michael "Finalday"

Edited by - Finalday on 3/12/2004 1:56:07 PM

Post Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:57 pm

Aceaz: 911 days? It's also exactly 2.5 years since the 9/11 tragedy. Leads me to believe it's not ETA but something religious like Al Qaeda.
Whoever did it should hang anyway.

You were gone?

Edit: Damn spelling.

- I'm not crazy, I'm a car. And if you don't believe me, you can get out and walk home. -
*** The Titan flies like a cow ***
Fight like a Warlord

Post Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:54 pm

Actually, now they say one of the pro AQ types is an ex-ETA character who converted to that radically hate/violence teaching Wahhabist-type Islam a while back. It happened on 3/11, 911 days after 9/11. The choice of 9/11 itself had numerical implication. All of this seems to be a reflection of O-B-L's mentality, engineer, etc.

I think this was AQ. ETA may have helped pull it off.... i.e., help get the materielle needed, etc., and maybe even the logistics but I think the purpose or objective is mainly AQ motivated. ETA has denied involvement twice now. I would too were I they.... after the millions in demonstration this evening, I think that ETA style separatist terrorism and political activism has been dealt a mortal blow in Spain. Who is going to sympathize with them now and not feel dirtied in some way?

Post Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:35 am

Impressive, isn't it.

Post Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:49 am

Conspiricy Theory:
Maybe ETA didn't actually know how bad this was going to be. That would explain the van with detonators and Arabic writing - they decided to plant the evidence so people wouldn't suspect them as much. It seems to have worked on America and David Blunkett. It's in the Spanish government's interest to blame ETA, however, as there are large chunks of Spain which are very bitter towards them. Maybe that is why they have decided not to rule ETA out.
End Conspiricy Theory

Isn't it a strange coincidence that Spain supported the war on Iraq?

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 3/13/2004 7:52:09 AM

Post Sat Mar 13, 2004 10:49 am

Tangential but not quite 100% OT comment:

The puzzle of Spanish separatism (apart from the Basques) to me, an uninformed outsider, is that it seemed not to have arisen until AFTER the fall of Franco and the institution of a democratically constituted government. It's the same kind of puzzle I encounter regarding the UK (apart from Ulster) and Scotland and Wales.

It is a little counter-intuitive to me. I would have suggested that, with political progression and greater breadth of egalitarian democratic governance, the need for "nationalist" separation would be diminished. The opposite seems to be the norm.

<Edit> It is looking more and more like it is AQ after all. They've arrested some Moroccans and Indians (!?!) in connection with the bombings.

Edited by - Indy11 on 3/13/2004 4:25:37 PM

Post Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:34 pm

I'm really sorry for what hapenned. That's why sometimes I'm very ticked off when people in Europe wonder if the suspected terrorists are being given their human rights. Which we in the states did. But I mean let's get real when a tragedy happen, how can some people be more concerned about the rights of the suspect than the victims?

Sometimes you can't run away from conflict, in fact sometimes the only way out is in. You people in Europe should stop courting radical Islam. It's just like courting Hitler. You don't reason with madmen!

Experience: When I was in my home country, Indonesia, Islam killed 200+ Chinese in 3 days. I still remember that. Very frequently bombs are planted in churches.

Then I came to the states, and they do what they always did. And 911 happens.

Does this ring a bell to anyone?

"You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning..."

Otherwise, why is there so much hatred in Moslem countries. So very much. Not just against the Christians, although they're in the list, but also the minorities. Chinese in my case, Kurds in Iraq?

John Rhys Davis has an article about it, I'll post it soon.

Post Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:03 pm

Update Looks like al-Qaeda did have something to do with it.

Michael "Finalday"
In Memory Of WLB

Post Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:44 am

Well, the AQ may not be SMERSH or SPECTRE but pretty much they are filling that role in real life that I always thought only had its place in fiction.

Post Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:37 am

@visconti, I'd chill out on those comments if I were you, old son. In "Europe" we've been dealing with terrorists a lot longer than you Americans have, for you it became a reality on Sep 11th, but we've been suffering the IRA, ETA, Brigate Rosso, Black September, Baader-Meinhof, P2, Libyan death-squads, to name but a few over the last 30 years. Anyone planted nailbombs in litterbins in your home town lately? No, I didn't think so. And not all terrorists are radical muslims, so I suggest you open your eyes.

You've got quite a nerve telling us "Europeans" (like we're one country, as if) to stop courting radical Islam, seeing as it was the US Govt and the CIA that made radical Islam what it is today; did you just forget that, or didn't you know?

edit 1 for factual update: human rights? those 5 youths from the West Midlands were released without charge by our Police, because our anti-terrorist squad, who are a dam sight more efficient than anything on your side of the water, found no evidence against them. But they've spent the last few years banged up in a hellhole in Guantanamo Bay, and wouldn't have been released to Britain at all if Bush didn't owe Blair favours.

edit 2 for factual update: I was popping shots off at real terrorists over twenty years ago in N. Ireland, have you ever come up against any real terrorists? No I didn't think so, so stop regurgitating the drivel you see and hear on Fox and stfu.

edit 3 for factual update: "Europe" courting radical islamics? Spain is one of the most ardent supporters of Bush and was one of the few countries to back the Iraq fiasco, so I think you're comments are insulting to the several hundred who've died in Madrid. They died because their govt supported your govt, you sm*cktard.

Now I'm really f***ing p*ssed off, so I'm gonna stop now, before I say some things I shouldn't. I really am very intensely displeased.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 3/14/2004 11:22:06 AM

Post Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:17 am

One question

Who's Black September?

Post Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:53 pm

Did ever1 here about the election? The pervious governemt was dissplaced in the election on sunday and the socailist are there. I heard that alot of ppl voted for them cause they thought the old gov was trying to dumb down the reports about the bombings and place the blame to help them get re elected.
I wonder what the new spanish gov will do about Iraq. will they pull out or something.

and I think Black september is a frenchterror goup, but I'm not sure if I'm wrong please say so

I had a super Ego, but it was pestering me so I killed it.

When I shot it the bullet grazed my soul, and that bled to death too

Post Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:16 pm


Okay I'll try not to flame you back here.

No US is not my birth country. I mentioned that before. I live here only recently. Before this I was in Indonesia. So don't tell me that I don't know what terrorism is all about, coz that country has 1 of the worse humanitarian records.

The moslems were raping the Chinese women in Indonesia while praying to their god. Afterwhich they killed them by multilating their genitals. They also went from shop to shop, house to house, killing the Chinese and grabing loots. I do not know how to explain it as much as some of them were running around in front of our house, we're spared. So praise God on that count.

They plant bombs in churches, by that I mean a lot of churches.

So yea while I have never poped terrorists and these people, unlike you, I have had experience about these things.

As for your comment that America create these terrorists groups. Eh well I just don't buy that. Please substantiate your claim. Now suppose I have a child that I raise up well for a good purpose and the betterment of the world. But suppose at some point that he erred and chose to become a terrorist say, does that make me as a parent responsible completely of his actions. May be a little, but not that much. Might the US gov has established these organizations. Yes, but for the purpose of countering a greater threat. Unfortunately they turn back against the US. Also the problem is deeper than just that. A child that errs despite of good upbringing has nothing to do with his/her parent. Something is wrong with that child. So please stop passing the blame game around.

US attacking Iraq and spain support. Like I said I regret these things and I don't want any of it. But it's enough witht eh pacifistic policies don't you think? I have seen too many protests in Europe against the US and Bush calling names. He's doing his job best as he can. And I'm pretty pleased with his track record though I don't think he's faultless. At that time everyone agrees that Saddam was concealing things from the UN. The problem is some government like French and Russia had some deals that they didn't want to lose with Iraq. That's why they're not as swift to start a war. And also although I agree that oil may have something to do with the war, I still feel that it's more due to Saddam's notorious pasts and his unwillingness to become absolutely clear and transparant when the US didn't way to play nice anymore. If it's all about oil, why did we go into Afghan?

The problem is not that Spain helped US in fighting in Iraq. The problem is that these extremist moslem groups exist. If it's not Spain today, it's Indonesia, or Israel or Sudan, or some other countries. There's always a victim. If they're not stopped now we're bound to have to deal with them later. Now unless I'm completely off, Islam has an agenda of becoming a major religion through military conflict. They train these things in their Madrasah, or however you spell that. Which's an Islamic religous school. Ever heard of "death to the infidels"? so unless you're a moslem you pretty much belong to the infidel group. Of course most choose not to practice that. But enough of them do to be problematic.

Do I understand. Well not completely. But I somewhat do. Having witnessed +/- 150 Chinese men and women, targeted and butchered in the city where I lived in the span of 3 days. And I did cry. More such things still hapenned even after I left for the States. Entire vilage purged? And many more. So I just don't like it if people opt to take the pacifistic attitude and start compromising with these people.

Edited by - Visconti on 3/14/2004 7:15:11 PM

Post Sun Mar 14, 2004 7:28 pm

Current update they have started with getting suspects.

Michael "Finalday"
In Memory Of WLB

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