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Post Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:21 pm

Arania made that mistake once, but considering that 'Mistake' is now nothing more than an annoyance, i am willing to allow unity to live, for now.

Unity: you have seen the power of the new micro-tini cannon 'the one that blew up unity', so dont make me bring out the full-size model.

Aranic Engineers have developed a way to lower the blast radius of the singularity bomb by using a nuclear containment field, not only does this massivley increase the damage potential by 'echoing' the damage, the containment field does not shut down until after thirty-six hours, at which point, the generator 'tears' space and dumps what is left into hyperspace, scattering the 'leftovers' from here to the andromeda galaxy, this coupled with a bypasser enhanced hole-gate, can 'insert' the weapon anywhere(and i mean ANYWHERE) regardless of shielding or defences, i would use the full-size singularity bomb, but that would take out the entire milky way galaxy.

just so you know:
The only other 'Mistake' Produced but the aranic empire was brought upon by the Scientists themselves, it was a sentient AI system being developed after the OS AI-2 showed limited sucess in the field, the result, AI-2/I, was isolated for experimentation. The AI system was mounted inside a cusom-built hybrid ship manufactured for Aranic and Earthinian technology, although not known by many, the AI ship also incorporated Alien technology in the form of adjustable focal point macro-entaglment principe generators, allowing it to instantaniously jump between two points in space, but with a massive expendeture of energy.
The ship was loaded, stupidly, with nano-construction tachnology and all the aranic knowledge, including star-maps, upon the launch of the AI ship, it went nuts, wreaking havok on the Aranic station it was launched from, and killing my predecessor, who was onboard. The AI system has since been sighted in many systems and has been found to have been mounted inside a planet reinforced by a masive autometed defensive system. AI-2 has since been suceeded by AI-3, AI-4, AI-5, and the recent AI-6 beta version.

Post Sat Mar 27, 2004 12:34 am

Unity Progress Report

Our scientists have come up with a defense system for our system.

We have manufactured the ultimate weapon- black-hole warheads. These require pretty much the same energy to build as about 50- billion stars, which might pose somewhat of a problem in the future, but at the minute our Nano-Energy-Cycling Facility produces about half that every five minutes or so, and it's doubling it's production ability every day.
Anyway, these torpedoes will be able to destroy my solar system in approximately 0.08 seconds( we could make 'em about 100000 times faster than this, but we have our reasons). They are infinitely more powerful than real black-holes and spread a lot more quickly.
We have another new invention too. Using the same method of speed increase as the Black-holes, we have created a jumphole which has the ability to spread and ingulf an entire system in about 0.005 seconds.

This will mean that if a ship enters our sytem without our permission, we launch first of all the jumphole, which carries our sytem to safety (we have modified it so that it doesn't carry non-Unitarian ships), then we launch our black-hole, which will wipe out half the galaxy. All this happens in about 0.1 seconds.
The Overlord is very pleased with this, and hopes it will be the end of Unity's defensive worries.

In other news, the Nano-Energy-Cycling (NEC) facility has opened new doors for us: our scientists have discovered replication. Whereas before the amount of required for this would be utterly off limits, our NEC has enabled us to explore this technology further. The result is our Replication Factory, of which around 100,00,00 are planned to built on the planet's surface, with about 600,00,00,000 for space. We currently have only 1000, but we are still building ships at a rate of 10000 a day.
Our RFs have also replicated other things-
One hundred million clone troopers a day. These are created being about 21 years old, with optimal flight and combat skill.
In no less than a DAY of active production, we have increased our army tenfold, at no cost at all, except energy of which we have an infinite and ever-increasing amount.

The Overlord is very pleased, and looks forward to rebuilding his fleet for er... exploration.


Post Sat Mar 27, 2004 1:03 am


All units set status to extreme alert, prepare for attack at any time.

Admiral, send diplomatic requests to Anarakkis and Vanaria, send the Earthinians warning of Unity and Transmit peace data to AI-2/I.

I want Org-Missile batteries one through six hundred ready for insertion.

Send diplomatic requests to mustangtopia, tawakalnia, RILMSund, The Coalition, OIN, NGSE and whatever other nations there are.

Prepare to transmit:

'My brothers, a great threat abounds beyond our borders, preparing to strike at the empires, republics and nations, and consume them, one by one.
My friends, it is time to put aside the long standing, yet futile feuds that have torn apart our glorious civilisations for centuries and UNITE!
You have already seen the extent of what can be achieved by the Unity fleet, and only united can we combat this threat together, We must stand together, unfaltering, unflinching.
There is no doubt that Unity has hostile intentions towards what is left of the once glorious human race.
It is time for us as nations, and as individuals to set aside our long-stangin feuds, and UNITE!!
Only together can we face this threat. United we stand, divided we fall, against this common enemy.
As the Emperor af the Aranic Empire, i implore you to accept the chance i am giving you, the only chance to survive and be free!'

My Predecessors Made this mistake with the Earthinians eight hundred years ago, allowing them to go free, thinking that they would pose no threat.
Arania lost for the only time in history against them, but it was quicky recaptured as more than two billion people on fusaris eight sacrificed themselves to crash that planetoid into earthinia itself, crippling the rebellion.
I am going to correct the reputation brought about by my predecessors, Earthinia shall be at peace with Arania, war will be faught upon many fields, Unity has already shown thier ruthlessness, and would massacre everyone that didnt join them, just to prove a point.

Transmission ends

Edited by - Arania - The Emperor on 3/27/2004 1:17:55 AM

Post Sat Mar 27, 2004 1:42 am

Ah, the sweet smell of invasion...
I would have to say, I don't think even I expected to be invaded AGAIN.

Ah, well.

Unity War Report

Our forces launched a surprise attack on the Aranic military garrison at Unity Prime (that's the old one, by the way). Thirteen of our new T-101X warships fought against all of Arania's warships and quickly wiped them off the face of the universe with a well-aimed black-hole torpedo.
The system known as Unity Prime no longer exists.

In other news, our RF totalhas reached 10,00,00 with about 10000000 T-101X Warships produced in the last four hours, as well as 3,0000000 clones.

We are now preparing to launch a massive offensive at the Aranic shipyard in Sol. Admiral Zhukofski is looking forward to the oppurtunity to try out our new forces, now standing at about 10 million warships, with 10 billion clone troopers waiting in their cargo bays...


Post Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:23 am

As The Unity fleet entered Sol the Emperor witnessed what the overlord considered a Massive offensivece.
A few mission crap ships armed with plasma cannons.
And the black hole torpedoes- merely a graviton bomb, easily countered by the anti-gravity systems incorporated in even the lowliest aranic unit.

as the Empire prepared to launch against this threat, it appeared that it was unnecessary, as four different Fleets appeared and pinned the Unity fleet down.

The Earthinians appeared from the North, incorporating hundreds of ships, and even the new Flagship of thier fleet, the Homeship 'Earthinia II', now at Peace with arania of this common threat
The Ai ships appeared from the south east, each ship a replica of the original ship that AI-2/I was sent out in, there were sextillions of them.
The Anaraks appeared from the south west, the Famous ball-shape of thier capital ships dwarfing even the most massive Unity Starship. The Aranak Aliens were Good allies of the Aranic People and a rebel, known only as 'Arinak' Helped the Emperor in his war Against the Earthinians.
And finally, the Spectral Varinekian Beings flashed into existance over the top of the fleet, once human, the Varinekians were the result of an Aranic Experiment gone horribly wrong. Immortal and invincible, the Varians are capable of assuming any for they deem fit and alter the fabric of the space-time continuum around them.

The entire force had Unity boxed in, There was no way out
Everyone on Arania stood trembling as they watched what would happen next.
Unity fired a single shot at the Varians. the plasma shot rebounded back off the outstreched hand of the Varian and flew back at the starship that fired it. Impacting on the ship with such force that it was completely destroyed an a fantastic display of blue fireworks.
Everyone Started shooting, but it was clear that Unity was losing the moment the Varians crushed thier flagship with a light punch.
It was over in seconds, Aliens, Spectrals, Computers and Humans figthing against that which threatended the safety of the entire universe.

The Unity fleet was defeated less than five minutes after they arrived.
No-One Escaped.

Unity, i have demonstrated my power in combat, and you cannot win.
It appears you have over-estimated your abilities, just as you thought i had.
The Varinekians were my last resort, but obviously, you called for it. You cannot defeat them, they can instantly counterract anything, including anything that you, I, Earth, Sol, the NGSE, The OIN, and even the Anaraks can throw at them.

This is your LAST warning, surrender, and i will spare your life, refuse, and well...

Post Sat Mar 27, 2004 3:33 pm

I have decided to set all my sun systems (500 of them) into 'rest' mode. These will be cut of from the rest of the world. I will now for 1 year build up a weapons system, and an armade never sighted before. We will build over 1000 billion fighters, and i will overwhelm Unity. We are working on a Black Hole Warhead Missile Blocker (BHWMB ) wich won't allow any black holes on the radius of this machine, wich will be mounted on every ship i have.

Edited by - Orillion Alpha on 3/27/2004 3:35:31 PM

Edited by - Orillion Alpha on 3/27/2004 3:35:50 PM

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 3:35 am

Unity Senate

While Unity fails to see the threat emerging in Sol, after all, says the Overlord, it only killed about a hundred billion clones, their lifespan is only estimated at about 3 days each anyway (clones have no mouths so they aren't fed, just incinerated once they starve to death). Besides, we can easily send another fleet to combat the Variianins (or whatever they're called). Our power is infinite.

Unity is now aware of mounting discontent in it's own Senate. It seems that the Clones demand a voice in Unity's affairs, considering they now make up 99.9999% of Unity's population (15 billion humans, 15000000 billion clones).
This was prompted by growing concerns about the Clones welfare. Admiral Zhukofski, who has seen first hand the horrors of a clones' life is pleading to the senate for beter conditions for the clones, but so far his thoughts have been ignored.
In response, the Overlord has stated:
"These clones are created to be sub-servient to us, it would be pointless to give them a voice. The only purpose of a voice is to communicate with each other- we have now completed a way to telepathically link Clones minds together. Every clone we now make will be fitted with this ability."

This new telepathy will make our Clones a lot more effective in the field, as well as allowing every clone to share it's knowledge with every other clone.


Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 4:18 pm

Besides, we can easily send another fleet to combat the Variianins (or whatever they're called). Our power is infinite.

Id like to see you try.

it would be incredibly satisfying to watch your entire force go up aginst one of them and lose, because that is what will happen, could send 60 billions fleets up against one, and you would still lose.

Varinekians are Invincible, basically like Neo or Smith in the matrix, they can only lose when they choose to, and i pretty sure they wont.

Considering i now have 40Quintillion+ Aranic Ships, 200Billion Earthinian Ships, 20 Sextillion AI Fighters, 500Million+ Arinak Ships, and 120000+ Varinekians, it might be a good idea to surrender.
And for the Billions and Billions of clones, cellular disruptors work pretty well, destroying any organic matter inside the blast radius, including bactreria and plants.
I think that would more that likely kill a clone army.

You ever heard of a Khaydarin bomb? they disrupt all shielding on the first blast, followed by another blast that completely rematrixes every single atom in the blast area, quite a nasty effect, very ugly. Considering i have about 20 thousand tonnes of khaydarin crystal stockpiled and a full size-bome requires about 20 Kg, im fine on that front. And i completely control two Khaydarin crystal mines, each extracting about 50 tonnes per day. I have 20 thousand operational, minimum.

You see, unlike you, i have the ability yto completely annihilate others with completely realistic technology, built in a realistic time frame after 6000 years of evolution. You just use inexausable and 'ifinite' power sources like solar(solar is only good for primitives, i doubt any self-respecting spacecraft commander would use solar power), rad extractors(efficient, high output levels, but very low storage life, unstable, and the collectors require constant maintenance) and some other crap like wind. I use fusion, UCE and 0-Point energy, all abundant, fairly stable, and with immense power output levels.

Small things entertain small minds, while smaller minds look on in wonder.

Screw temporal paradox, im interfering!

Edited by - Arania - The Emperor on 3/28/2004 7:12:30 PM

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:10 pm

Considering i now have 40Quintillion+ Aranic Ships, 200Billion Earthinian Ships, 20 Sextillion AI Fighters, 500Million+ Arinak Ships, and 120000+ Varinekians, it might be a good idea to surrender.
And for the Billions and Billions of clones, cellular disruptors work pretty well, destroying any organic matter inside the blast radius, including bactreria and plants.

From the sound of that, this is gone/going the way of the
*throws toy* - "mine is bigger than yours"

"no its not"

"yes it is"

"NO its NOT"

"Yes, IT IS!!!"



"I've Won"

"WTF WTF WTF?!?!?!?!?! NO I won!"

"WTF get the idea.

Basically if its got to the point where only a couple of people are posting, and your talking about billions of ships and that yours are invincible......then the thread needs to be put out of its misery....

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:53 pm

Im actually agreeing with chips here, its just me and Unity up against each other, and neither of us are going to lose unless we die in real life, which aint gonna happen.
Bloody human nature, we cant stop fighting.
Well, as a last attempt to save this thread, im willing to accept peace with unity, so long as he does as well.
Otherwise, you can lock the thread, its getting pretty boring as it is.

Small things entertain small minds, while smaller minds look on in wonder.
Screw temporal paradox, im interfering!

Oh look, im a Commander now!

Post Mon Mar 29, 2004 7:03 am

Unity Senate

We have successfully completed our telepathic linking of the clones- they can now think as one and act as one unit- controlled, of course by us.

The traitor! Admiral Zhukofski has attempted a military coup! He's programmed our own clone army to attack us by using his command interface. We have managed to kill the traitorous scum, but the seeds of our demise has been sown. The clones are rebelling.

The clones have completely surrounded us- they're slaughtering everything they see. We can only hold out for so long.


Official Unity Announcement From the Overlord

"We have managed to defeat the clones. Rest assured, this statement is made entirely of my own free will. Conduct your daily lifes as normal- do not attempt to arm yourselves. WHAT THE- *Gunshot*"


"We are the clones. We have now captured all of Unity. We wish to make peace with the one you call Unity"

*A small piece of shiny metal floats through space. It transmits a message to the clones-

"Message from the Overlord- DIE!!"

*A wall of blackness shoots out of the object- all of Unity is engulfed in a black hole.*

Nothing survives.


Yeah, I agree with Chips. This thread is dying. In fact, I was planning to do this in a few turns (EDIT- I been playing too much Civ. lately ) anyway- that's why I made that last post all about Zhuklofsky protesting against clone mistreatment. I wanted to build up to this a bit slower though. Ah well.

Arania- you win.

I'm off.


Edited by - Corsair#01 on 3/29/2004 8:04:37 AM

Post Mon Mar 29, 2004 7:42 am

Time it died permanently without a chance or resurection

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