No ****! I get the feeling I'm repeating myself
There's plenty there Aod, if you know where to look. I've talked about this before....Planet Gromit is not my portfolio portfolio site is part of planet gromit...
The main PG is a unique kind of blogging system that I've been developing for over a year...its private, therefore its protected for now....when I'm ready to reveal it I'll let ya know.
I think I'm gonna remove that url from my profile because these sorts of comments are just getting annoying now....I would stick my portfolio there but I'm currently searching for another job and my employer hosts my website - not a very clever thing to do really, advertising that you're looking for a job right in front of your current boss' nose.
Was this really worth starting a thread about? DON'T THINK SO. You're just p*ssed off because I gave your website a bad critique a month or so ago. Grow up you petty little ****
EDIT: Moderators, if there was ever a thread that deserved clicking immediately - surely its this one?
Edited by - gromit on 2/21/2004 7:47:00 PM