Space / Celestial Events for 2004
March - 24 Venus will appear at is most prominent and brightest closely followed by Jupiter.
Mid March - Early April - Mercury, Venus,Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be making simultaneous appearances in the twilight
May - Messenger probe blasts off for Mercury.
June 8 - Sun partially eclipsed by Venus (Venus transit of the Sun) .. visible, with proper professional grade sun filtering by the naked eye (otherwise will be blinding) at Midday for Europe and at sunrise in the eastern parts of US and Canada.
July 1 - Cassini reaches Saturn and will drop a probe into the Titan moon's atmosphere to sample it.
August 11 Perseid Meteor shower will be on a moonless night.
October 27 - Total lunar eclipse visible in North America
December - The five planets from March - April will make a repeat simultaneous appearances in the pre-dawn
December 13 Geminids Meteor shower will be on a moonless night.