Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:56 pm by Chips
Actually, the royal family have now real say in the honours list. That is the government, and i have to admit - i fear that they have "numbers" to make up sometimes. Personally, i think these should be our own countrymens honors to start with, and secondly, i think its for benefits for our country. Now beckham got an obe i think, he should NEVER get a knighthood. Seeing as you have the Sir Richard Attenborough, Sir Ranulph Fiennes and so on many more that have distinguished themselves aptly. Then you have Michael Caine, and other "less desirable" poeple getting them. I think its an attempt to bring them a little more "modern" rather than being seen as an old fashioned tradition..........
Another thing, The Royal Family do TONS of engagements. They have hectic schedules, and at the end of it all, they have a very high profile public image. Not only do they have to trape round the country promoting things, including research, heading charities, and doing other high profile public deeds, they also do one hell of alot of lower profile deeds as well. They are public puppets almost. They can "shrug" duties if they must, but to keep public appearance they spend their WHOLE LIVES running around for the good of other people's charities etc.
When you consider that most people the Queens age are sat down in retirement, but she is off round the world meeting, greeting, and supporting things - speaks volumes. Oh yes, and they cannot throw a sickie like we can if they are fed up, they have to go and smile, be bored to tears for days on end, and still smile - come what may. Mind you, the Queen and Prince Charles seem to have an active interest in many areas - so they probabily enjoy doing most of what they do.