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Greatest Moments In Gaming

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:26 am

Greatest Moments In Gaming

What were some of your greatest, most embarassing, funniest moments in gaming..... victories, defeats, something from some game that has just been burned into your memory as the moments that make you think how great games are . Ill post in a reply my greatest ones but im really curious to hear what you guys have to say first.

"Talk Is Cheap Because The Supply Far Exceeds The Demand"


Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:51 am

once in bridge commander (star trek) i killed 37 Keldons in an Akira
That was hard!

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:55 am

The greatest moment... When I finished Baldur's Gate (1+2+both expansions). I dragged this one character, and ended the game as Fighter(21)/Mage(19)/Thief(23)...
Items...? Too much for you to handle

Careful what you wish... You just might get it.

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:21 pm

Playing as Imagawa Clan in Shogun, I defeated the invading Takeda army (300 men + the Takeda daimyo himself and his hatamoto bodyguard) with just 60 yari ashigaru and 60 samurai archers. Lured his mounted army into a forest where cavalries are disadvantaged and forcing them to fight an uphill battle. I killed the Takeda daimyo and put an end to his clan.

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:33 pm

Now that sounds like a good battle FF (not the usual ff ) I love those games and I'm sure some of my best moments have come from them but I'm buggered if I can think of any right now...

A nice touch i found recently was playing Thief 2 and finding a scrumpled piece of paper lying by a desk that said 'Kick Me!'

visit for all your civ3 needs

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:16 pm

Galactic Battlegrounds - Clone Campaigns: I was playing a random Giant map on Hard against 4 enemies with a computer ally for me, 6 total at 250 unit max army. My ally said to attack the Naboo, I was the Republic, so I went in with clones, heavy and medium mechs, and anti-air vehicles with slow moving airships coming up behind me to render aid later in the battle. My ally, if I remember correctly was the Trade Federation and went in with destroyer droids, troops and tanks.

When I and my ally arrived we began attacking with almost full forces of 180 troops and vehicles each, about 360 total, of which the enemy also had a huge force and a few space fighters. I had anti-air ground vehicles take care of what fighters they could, while the ground battle was just a spectacular firefight. But lo and behold, ALL the other computer players didn't like the Naboo either and sent their forces of a 120+ to attack while we were still attacking. We're talking about about 800-900 troops and vehicles in one small area of the board. (The lag on my computer was at its highest I have ever seen.)

Fire fight galore. We were surrounded, but fortunately the computer opponents were sometimes distracted by Naboo buildings and they didn't like each other either. While this fight is going I checked the progress of my really slow Airships, which as you may know have the largest and most widespread destroyer gun in the whole game. I had 6 of them, and they were nearing the scene, normally I use them to clear cut paths to the enemy base or to destroy walls and gates, but I was trying to meet my ally at the gates and had to let the airships catch up. Which turned out to be a good thing as like I said I did need to destroy a few space fighters.

With maybe a third of my troops and vehicles, and one anti-air vehicle, I fought my way out of the middle of the chaos, though my ally was being slaughtered (which I didn't mind, I was going to turn on him eventually anyway ). I separated airships into 3 pairs, then fired their guns at different areas of the battle for their first shot. One of my troopers just barely managed to escape the onslaught of the "BIG GUNS," I decimated maybe 600-650 units with just the first shot from each of the 6 airships.

I had slightly less than a third of my troops and only the one anti-air vehicle. I was able to do some major damage to the numbers of rest of the enemy forces with the airships, just prior to losing them to space fighters. Then I sweeped in with the ground forces and finished them off. I left them to tend to the Naboo base knowing eventually I would probably lose the rest as one anti-air just won't cut it. I looked back to my base and rebuilt my forces really quickly, and I sent in space fighters this time to make a front attack on the Naboo. About a eighth of my troops were still alive, with fighter support, I ended the Naboo and with my forces being rebuilt faster than my enemies. I then went in and creamed them rather easily.

Oh and there was this one time at Risk, I rolled a 2 and a 5 beating a 2 and a 4!

Sir S

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 1/23/2004 1:19:57 PM

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:49 pm

I used to play Medal of Honor: Allied Assault online a lot. One of my friends who I played against liked sniping at the Stalingrad map, and was constantly ragging me about my lack of sniper "skillz".
One day when I was playing I managed to locate him in a second floor window. I jumped out of the window above him, shot him through the window with the sniper rifle as I fell past, and then cratered. It was worth it though, because he stopped bugging me about my inability to kill him.

"Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it." -- Oscar Wilde

Edited by - Huffer on 1/23/2004 1:50:10 PM

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:25 pm

Delta Force 1 LAN Multiplayer, my little boy was playing with me and after being cr*p and hiding, when he saw I was pinned down by bunkers across a deep river, ran out into heavy enemy fire, swam across the river and climbed up the other side, me trying to give covering fire as best as I could, and me little man took out the first bunker with a grenade and chucked satchel charges into the other two. He then started sniping enemy troops and I was able to leg it down the river and join him on the other side and totally wiped out the enemy.

I was so proud I made him a little medal!

Post Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:36 pm

strangely enough the most fun I ever had was playing Age of Kings MP Deathmatch. (Deathmatch is basically a random map but you start with LOADS of resources) I will never forget those massive walls of Bombard towers....fav map was the forest one forget what its called

Edited by - Griffon_26 on 1/23/2004 2:36:18 PM

Post Sat Jan 24, 2004 3:35 am

Sneaking in on an Unreal Tournament LAN competition at my school and managing to win it!
Then the guys running it, realised I hadn't paid the entrance fee and chucked me out! Dammit, I could've bagged meself £50, but it was funny all the same!
As for a SP great moment, figuring out that you could LAM alarm panels in Deus Ex is a fond memory :p

Post Sat Jan 24, 2004 2:38 pm

A Normandy style invasion of a massive continent with 2 countries in civilization 2. 5 carriers or so, all loaded with bombers, un-numbered transports loaded with howitzers, tanks, and mech. infantry, deployed at 3 points. Did you know, if you break a peace treaty, attack, and capture another civ's capital in the same turn the civ has a civil war and splits? This is where I found that out

Post Sat Jan 24, 2004 4:18 pm

wee, just as i expected they all sound great. lets see..... my best battles. Oh Fear Factor by the way i loved Shogun and im now considering that Medieval: Total War (the second game in the series) is possibly the best strategy ever made .

Medieval: Total War: I had lots of great moments in this game..... My fondest moment was my first "self-proclaimed" crusade...... I had 3 princes with the usual 40 Chivalric Knights escorting them.... of course..... but I had 7 armies that I feverishly prepared over the last few....hmm..... hundred turns . So where I was standing currently was looking at one of my provinces, 7 armies all either at or near 1,200 troops each (Honor Guards, Pikemen, Archers, the works). At this point, after I had gotten my economy back up to speed (that big an army takes a heavy florins toll) I unleashed the violence and destruction on the world. I used the same army over and over and conquered province after province (I hired mercenaries to keep each province under my control as I built castles and forts within them) I had only 8-9 provinces left to conquer in the whole world after my army was done with it...... It was awesome hehehe.

Star Wars Galaxies: Im a commando, and so is my friend, we joined a guild called Sentinel Security Force, after we both bought Storm Commandoes and deployed them, us 2 and 13-14 other people raided a rebel base, it was the most awesome thing..... in the middle of the night suddenly blaster shots lit up the sands as rebels died and we charged in and purged the facility of the scum, first the surface, then scoured the tunnels the bastards hide in and cleared them out too the feeling was just awesome.

Mafia: I love this game..... I have 2 scenes from here, one is the time your at the parking garage negotiating over the purchase of some fine canadian bootleg and the other family charges in with 3-4 cars and the massive shootout proceeds mobster movie style that was awesome!. After I passed the game, I was playing the city at night..... and i went to the gunstore, bought the usual arsenal (I always choose everything thats powerful and versatile yet I dont have to walk around with a gun in my hand, otherwords, the Colt, the Tommy Gun, the others.... well whatever I feel like (thompson most important though, and i can hide it in my jacket) and I forgot what else I get but basically fill my inventory with everything ideal... and then stack in a shotgun for good measure . It was night, and I was walking along the street, It was night and it was a dark street (no streetlights) and I noticed sillhouettes of people walking, i whipped out the tommy and fired at the sky thus making people run like hell. I put it away....

There was a woman, cowering in front of me, i choose the Colt (pistol, very cool, chrome) slyly the main character pulls it slowly from his jacket, and it was night so I could barely see anything..... I aim carefully for what seems to be her head. I pull the trigger and the muzzle flash lights up the street as she slowly falls to the ground..... then I just put it back in my jacket and walk away as if nothing happened...... hehehe, this just felt awesome.

stay tuned more are coming!

PS: I still play RISE OF NATIONS< and this game is the coolest RTS i think I have ever played..... a little age of kings, little empire earth, little red alert its awesome, I have had so many great and fun moments in this game I am not even gonna try to list them.... just thought it deserves a mention.

"Talk Is Cheap Because The Supply Far Exceeds The Demand"

Edited by - Comont54 on 1/24/2004 4:19:16 PM

Post Sun Jan 25, 2004 4:39 pm

Mafia is a very good game, and is Rise of Nations. However it is too bad that there wasn't a good plot to follow in RON. I've always enjoyed launching a massive nuclear retaliatory strike against enemy nations. It's so much fun watching those little soldiers go flying all over the screen when they get too close to the mushrooom cloud!

Post Sun Jan 25, 2004 11:25 pm

1. Almost beating someone on Empire Earth. I had hundreds of people, I bashed the defences, and then when I was in their base: They bombed my soldiers! They kill all of them!

2. Building 600 conscripts on RA2 and moving them into an enemies base.

3. Firing my first nuke on RoN.

BlazeME: Flameus Muchus n00bus

Post Mon Jan 26, 2004 2:50 pm

ONe time in BF1942 finally getting to use explosives on an air feild and blowing the hell out of a B-17, or getting 40 kills on a map with a finall acuracy of 100%

the orriginaly C&C building exactly (i kept count) 926 light infanty and taking out a harvester

Beating the entire finnal mission in MOA AA with 4 health on hard.

and I could go on forever. . .

If life is unfair how come I haven't won yet?

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