TAW! HELP - well, it''s not THAT urgent
A friend on my corridor has a laptop which 1 out of 3 times when switching on does something very odd. It will go to the usuall thing with the first screen with all the numbers etc. (Don't dispair, I may not know the names of all the screens etc. but I can follow instructions ) but will not get to the windows screen with the little loading bar flashing across the bottom (she has XP). Instead it stops everything and as very pretty screen will appear. It consists of many multicoloured vertical lines like a barcode... I had a (very hopeful but tried anyway) look in the manual. You can probably guess how much help that had.
It is impossible to do anything from the situation (I have just asked if she's tried Ctl. Alt. Del. - she will try next time it happens), no keys seem to do anything, nothing appears and nothing changes. The only way seemed to be to switch it off at the wall (she did this before consulting myself) and leave it for 5 mins or so after which it would clear.
A little odd but does anyone have any ideas?
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