Help desk? My computer''s not working...
I have a Logitech cordless mouseman optical and a cordless keyboard that came with it and uses the same reciever. I am quite pleased with both, but suddenly without explanation they ceased to function.. both of them! (no, its not the bateries)
I checked the reciever conection but it was good. After fiddeling for a while and pushing various re-set/connect buttons I did a good ol fasioned re-start and that didn't fix it either. So, I disconnected the reciever, and re pluged it (while the comp was running) and after about 15 seconds of "thought" from the computer all was well(?)!
My family tells me that this sort of thing has happened to them before, but this is the first for me. Living by an airport I wonder if some signal perhaps causes them to go out of sinc with the reciever or somthin?
Anyhoo, any thoughts would be apreciated.