Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:04 am by Sir Spectre
The feeling of the movie was great! In other words, it felt like when I played the Wing Commander games. With that said, the movie suffered because the game creator did it himself. If the movie had been given to someone else, there would have been better story flow and character development in the film. Chris Roberts was too close to it and couldn't decide the important information from the game between the unnecessary.
Other things that made the movie worse were it's horrible physics. I think it seemed childish to see runways for space ships that don't even have wheels but metal scraping on the metal floor. And you think fingernails on chalk board is annoying. Metal scraping metal is viscious.
The worst spacial physics were when they were all being silent so the Kilrathi ship couldn't "hear" them. All I could think was Das Boot with Jurgen Prochnow, trying to remain quiet while being depth charged by the enemy. Sound doesn't travel in a vacuum, so there is no reason to be quiet and you won't be able to hear the "sonar" scans on the hull like a submarine would.
The plot developments were horribly executed. One part of the story would stop, sometimes mid-action, just to show the other continuing, when it came back to other it continued without any progression of time whatsoever. There was no real coherent story flow.
The best example of this bad editing was when Blair is cockpit to cockpit with the ejected Angel, after the skipper missile exploded. They have this entire conversation, then when he leaves, it cuts back to the Tiger's Claw bridge and then Paladin says "Now we'll make them wish they were never born." I hope he wasn't pondering what to say during the "touching" dialog between Blair and Angel, because it wasn't a very good or rousing war cry.
The problem with the movie was that plot, characters, editing and emotional high points were of the quality of a cheesy Hollywood movie from the 1950's.
But I still enjoy the film for that game feel in the space fighting sequences.
Sir Spectre
Like Master Yoda's speak, Olde English is, yes? Hehmmmmhaha!
-- From the play "Zlothello"