Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:17 pm by topher
@Chetnik... I had a friend like that for the last 2 years of High School and up until about 2 years ago, so about 5 years. We started dating after a bit and then we agreed (she decided) that we would be better friends. I hated it. Then she found a boyfriend and I found a different girl... but we still saw more of each other than our significants. Then she got engaged... that hurt, it was also the same time that my girl and I broke up. Then 3 months later, She and I moved in together with another friend of ours. This was when I really thought I had my chance. The Finacee hated it and started cheating on her butthen I goofed and got us kicked out. Last I heard, she is married to a different guy and has a kid.
What I am saying is, you can hang on, keep her as a good friend, be there for her if she needs you, see other people (so it doesn't look like she will have you as a backup forever), and when the time is right, make your move. I missed my time cause i goofed.... don't miss yours.
"On this ship you are to refer to me as Idiot, not you Captain. I mean... you know what I mean."