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Victim of bullying

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Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:26 am

Victim of bullying

Article: (some may have heard this news earlier)

15-year-old 'bullying victim' found hanged

An investigation is continuing into the death of a 15-year-old girl who may have been the victim of bullying. Marianne Shanks, who was a fourth-year pupil at privately run Dundee High School, was found hanged at her home on a remote farm in Perthshire late on Sunday night. The Daily Record has reported that Marianne had complained to friends that she was regularly subjected to verbal abuse. The newspaper said police were investigating the claims.

A police spokeswoman confirmed they were continuing to investigate the death and a report would be submitted to the procurator fiscal. She declined to comment on the bullying allegations, but it was understood officers had been made aware of the claims. A statement by Marianne's parents, David, 47, and Dorothy-Anne, 46, issued by Tayside Police, said: "We are devastated at the loss of our only daughter, Marianne Elizabeth, who brought so much happiness to the family in the time that we shared with her. "It is a very difficult time for all members of our family and we would ask that members of the media would now allow us to grieve in private." The funeral of the schoolgirl, who had two brothers, is being held at Perth Crematorium on Friday.

If it´s true this girl hanged herself because of bullying, than this is a very sad and unfortunate thing indeed. I really don´t understand why some people try to make other people´s lives miserable. I have been a victim of bullying myself in my early days on elementary school. I was taking medication at that time for something they later found out to be nothing I needed medication for. It was just a slight attention disorder which passed by on its own, but they thought it was something far more serious. But because of the medication I had a slowdown in growth, so I was very short for someone of my age. Second of all, my name is Wouter and that rhymes to Kabouter (dutch word for gnome), so I was small and had a name that rhymes to gnome ! Third, my mother has the Syndrome of Usher, which means that she´ll eventually become blind and deaf all together. That is really hard as it is, but the guys on my school threw it at me with an incredible disrespect. They were calling her all kinds of names, which you can all guess. It became so bad, that everybody was making fun of me and the cool guys on my school were kicking and punching and insulting me and spitting on me in front of the other guys and girls. They were waiting for me after school and hit and kick me again and again and again. It was the worst time of my life. I felt so humiliated, that every single day I was affraid to go to school. There were also parties arranged and almost everybody on school was invited except for me of course. And so everybody was laughing at me again for being such a loser and for not being invited to the party. Worst of all, the teachers never noticed and of course I never told anyone, because I was too scared. I also didn´t tell my parents earlier than years after. When I came home with a black eye or bruises, then I told them I fell of my bike or something like that. The bullying went on for about 4 to 5 years.

When I went to high school, I had grown quite a bit (I´m now 1.83 metres) and nobody knew me, so that was fortunate. I became friends with a guy who happened to be the most popular guy of the school, so I became very popular. Every single time though, that my ´group´ was trying to pick on someone, I stoped them, and they listened to me luckely. Because I know what bullying can do to a person. I had a great time at college too. Luckely I´m alright now because of my high school and college time, I´m 23, I am married to a beautiful girl, I´m about to become a father, I have a great job, I have great friends and I´m happy. What more can a person ask for ? But things could have ended totally different for me. What if the bullying continued during high school and college ? I don´t even want to think about the consequences if it had continued. So I can perfectly understand that it can destroy people´s lives and perhaps even lets people take dramatic and desperate steps. The problem is that the ones who are bullying, often aren´t aware of the damage they are inflicting to the one they are bullying. Why do these guys need to bully is the real question, right ?

Hope is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.

Edited by - Eraser on 11-09-2003 12:45:40

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:59 am

Wow, Eraser, that's not good. That sort of stuff didn't go down to well at my school, if you tried to pull that sort of crap you would soon find yourself without friends.

I am glad I never picked on anyone at school, I used to get along well with pretty well much everyone. From the geeks, to the freaks, to the popular kids, I was an all rounder

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 10:01 am

The news item is sad and unfortunately all too common. Sorry to hear you were bullied eraser, it's always a traumatic experience. I've always thought there are 2 types of bullies, those who just like hurting people and those who are just trying to look important. Way back when I was at high-school the head master had the idea of letting the prefects deal with bullies before the teachers became involved. It worked for us and bullying thankfully dropped away.
Great news about you becoming a dad, all those nights playing games will finally pay off!!
I enjoy visiting the god-daughter, she's not even 2 and yet she's already got a mean trigger finger


Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 11:23 am

I was a victim of bullying at school too. I was very small in my first few years at high school, so all the sporty types picked on me quite a bit. I know what its like, and sometimes the threat of violence is actually worse than the violence itself. But I was beaten to a pulp on more than one occasion.

Luckily for me when I was 15 I grew 12 inches in one summer. When I came back to school I'd grown, muscled out and lost my puppy fat. The bullying stopped out of sheer fear, but then I made a point of defending people who were getting bullied. I'm not proud to say that I got into a lot of fights with the people who bullied me previously, and more often than not, I won.

Oddly, that year I was added to the athletics team were I had to befriend and work with a lot of them. By the time I left school, I had gotten to know quite a few of them very well. It was really weird for me seeing them from both sides....

...and then something odd happened...the one's who I really got to know learnt from me how much pain and anguish they put me through and actually completely changed their ways. It was a very weird time.

But I was very very lucky, because all of my change of fortune hinged upon a very timely growth spurt....most people don't get to see it from both sides.

I don't know why I'm telling you guys all of this, but the subject of bullying has become something I have very strong opinions on. I'm still very insecure from the whole experience, my only saving grace is that I learnt to hide that insecurity. Seeing the dual sides of someone's personality also leaves you with a heightened paranoia and quite severe cynicism.

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:06 pm

I too have been the victim of bullying, but its all over now.
just because I gained some respect the "other" way. namely Violence.
whenever I got bullied and they would try to kick I would punch them. I have had a lot of broken noses handed out to people and the more they tried the harder I would retalliate this went on for about a year then they learnt to respect me.

I was being bullied for my name like you. My true name is Dick. well you all know what it is about. Luckily I was tall for my age so that helped but I was also too confident to be overpowered.

But enough about that, Im sorry to hear that you were the subject of bullying Eraser. but it is the way of nature to pick on the weaker ones. and the ones who are being bullied don't turn to violence it CAN get you the wrong kind of respect.
it got me the scratch over my eye.

I am still the subject of verbal jokes but that I dont matter.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 5:24 am

sorry to hear that Eraser.. and when i read the first few sentences, i thought that the bullies had hanged her..
i gues everyone gets bullied some time in their lives.. its life. i did too. more often than not i want to find some of those guys and do them in.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 12:03 pm

I hate bullying. I was always bullied ever since i stepped foot into a class room. It sucks ass. I didn't know enough on how to hang myself but if i did i probably would have.


Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 4:47 pm

Firstly, thanks Eraser for starting an interesting topic, it's much better than the usual bland stuff that's been going on lately.
I don't mean to belittle people's experiences here, but I find it hard to comprehend why someone might sadly kill themselves because of verbal abuse. I've suffered it since I first started at school and now, after 12 years, I still get it. I was subject to physical bullying when I was very small, but I later changed schools after an emigration attempt.
I'm lucky, in that I grew to be rather big and broadly built (that's not a euphemism for fat), so when the bullying started to escalate to physical, I would quickly show who had the upper hand. I'm not proud of what I've done from time to time, but I feel that I did what I could to protect myself. Regardless, the verbal abuse continues and I expect it always will. It's just a case of growing a thick skin, and it's perhaps the best way of learning who your real friends are, just see who sticks around by your side. I don't condone bullies or bullying in any way but I feel it's a fact of life, inside and outside of school.
For example, although my physical size and strength has protected me in the past among my peer group, outside of school, it left me susceptible to older thugs, who seeing that i was of a similar height, would decide i was fair game for picking a fight with, sometimes with more than one person attacking me. I've been kicked, stamped and punched and left lying by the side of the road before, but I don't give in to arrogant bastards like them. Last time I was attacked (in broad daylight in my High Street), after the local people made enough noise (didn't actually do anything to help me), they ran off. I scrambled after my glasses and tried to chase them, rather than let them get away.
There will always be bullies and arseholes who will try to get you. You can choose to fight or be passive and let them do what they want with you. Personally, I have no intention of ever letting someone get the better of me without a fight.
Looking back on what I've written, it's kinda long and garbled, but it kinda gets my point of view across.

Eat a third and drink a third and leave the remaining third of your stomach empty.
Then, when you get angry, there will be sufficient room for your rage.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 5:24 pm

good point Rec. looking back at hindsight, i don't recall bein abused physically, at least not yet. but verbally i find i always get back at them, or if i can't, it doesn't hang around for long. and i'm suceptible to verbal abuse from at least 3 languages.. and i also have outlets in at least 3 languages and i'm usually confident in debating things out logically and get the upper hand in verbal fights. no ****!*** ** * *****! fights.

Post Fri Sep 12, 2003 8:08 pm

I was never a victim of bullying...I bribed the bullies.

Life: No one gets out alive.

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:44 am

lucky for u thats how it turn out where u live (or used to)

i am friends with a popular person, but i am not popular <what the hell?>
but i live a happy life cause all the bullys are too stupid to bully any1.
its almost like he ashamed to be my friend. cause he is an ass hole alot of times
he has other fiends that make fun of me (but that will change soon)
but its all good cause i always come back at them and i like pie.


Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 4:47 pm

i was bullied when i was younger although it doesn't happen now thank god, i don't know how i'd cope if it started again

"Make it so Number One"
Captain Picard 'Star Trek the Next Generation'

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:02 pm

now, I'm sory that I looked into this topic as one of me friends hanged himself less than year ago. When I walked to his room I thought that he was just tryin to fool me, it didn't took me much more time to realise that no-one can go so long without blinking an eye.... poor him.

Knight who wears White
\ Greater God /
--Agree With ARCON Year--

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:05 pm

sh*t man! you found him??

thats rough, really rough, you have all my sympathies....

Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:29 pm

Wow...Sorry to hear that WK...

Life: No one gets out alive.

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