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The Lancersreactor webstory

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:37 am

Name:Kadmir Akhenson ( Allied with Corsairs )
Ship Class: Titan
Ship Name:Hawk of Death

Outfitted With Six SUnblast B's?, 1 Sunblast B Turret, 1 Starkiller Torpedo, 1 Ripper Mine, 1 adv. Countermeasure, Adv. Brigadine Shld, 10 nanobots,10 shieldbatts

Kadmir is allied to the Corsair. Making often runs between Tripoli Shipyard and Planet Crete, has amassed over 750,000 credits. SOmetimes makes runs to the Junkers in Rochester Base, New York. An Explorer, like going to out-of-the-way systems and scouting for derelict ships.

The Corsairs don't know that he has connection with high ranking Rheinland Officials, some suspect that he actually knows Chancellor Neimann personally.

Edited by - NomadLair on 25-07-2003 05:05:45

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:16 am

okay here goes nothing
-Kurt Slider
-Modified Stilleto Heavy Border World Fighter with 2 Pyros III's and 4 Dragoon type II's
-Kurt used to work with the Manhattan Police Department until some Xenos burned his house and framed him for murder to get revenge for an arrest Kurt had made on a Xenos leader. Kurt used his knowledge of the Police tactics to escape but was forced to take hiding with some Outcasts. Eventually he ended up delivering Cardamine across the galaxy even though he had sworn never to touch it himself. On one such delivery he fell in love with a GC girl from Ainu. They planned to leave the fighting behind and go live the rest of their lives in peace in kusari. However before they left a jealous Outcast decided if she wouldn't be with him, Kurt shouldn't get her either. Kurt came back to Ainu to find his fiance dead and the Outcast waiting for him. Kurt killed the Outcast and stole his Stilleto (the same he uses today). Still, he sunk into a depression and eventually broke his oath and began to use Cardamine. He now transports Cardamine across the Border Words, Kusari, and the Sigma Worlds.
-Kurt is only an Outcast because of his framing by the Xenos, until he began using Cardamine he might have returned to society. Now he lives in a state of depression when not using Cardamine. Because he is only an Outcast out of necessity he does not harbor any hatred of the Corsairs and other Outcast enemies. His only real enemies are the Xenos though he will respond to an attack. That is why though he flies a powerful border world fighter he doesn't use it for combat. Now he is an evil person, but will not attack any ship aside from a Xeno.

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:49 am

Name : Cpt. Roger "White Knight " O'Connor (True Neutral)
Age : 27
History : Roger had one of those "Happy Childhoods" until his sister (Helen) was kidnapped by what he belived were Xenos. It happened when he was 14, Roger talked his sister into going to Hudson illegaly. They hid themselves in cargo ships, but the ship where Helen sneaked did not reach to Hudson. It was attaked by (presumably) Xenos. Roger waited several days on planet Hudson, but his sister didn't show up. From that day he has plotted a horroble revenge... and has sucseeded in way - Thanks to Roger no-one likes Xenos anymore. The work of an skilled Diplomat.
Military Backround : He stared his military career early, a little too early for a son of a highly-reconised Diplomat. At the age of 16 he went to Liberty Military Acadamy under Tactics division. 2 years later he went on to Kursari Military Acadamy as a change student. He did this in his expence of fighter piloting class. After another 2 years of Tactics and Stradegy training Roger decided to return to Libery. He has passed Kursari and Liberty Tactical Military Acadamys and he knows their weaknesses like his own five fingers. Thats maybe why Liberty high-command dosen't like him very much. After a while of freelancing (eleven months) Roger started a small mercenary fleet and captined a cruiser, wich he got out of an old navy hangar on LA, but most of his former allies and friends was killed when they were attacked by unknown ships. He has from that time wasted a lot of resources in searching his mysterious attackers, but with no seeming luck.
Backround : He is a ladys-man but not so good at fighting, his strogest element is tactics and anything to do with it. He also has an extreemly good talent at likeing to everyone and pretending to be somebody else (Basic Diplomacy). As his father is a Diplomat he was encuraged to continiue this way, but the kidnapping of his sister show how little influence a simple Diplomat has. From there he stared his carrer as an military officer. In past he has gotten into some secrets that he shouldn't know of. He has been payed to do special diplomatic assignement by Zoners but no more detalils are known.

Ship Name : Vengence (a friend sugsested the name)
Ship Classs : Cruiser (Heavily modified to have all the needs of an mercenary fleet satisfied)
Maufacturer : Liberty Navy
Crew :
- max 128 + 11 officers + 7 fighter pilots
- min 65 + 4 officers + 3 fighter pilots
- current 78 + 9 officers + 5 fighter pilots
Ship Info : One of the older cruiser protoypes that were too expensive to produce. Most of todays ships are better armed and protected than this was in its early days. Now modified (It can hold three Fighters in its bay), it can take down one of the most powerful ships.... as long as they don't have company...

Ship Name : Echo 1
Ship Class : Heavy Fighter
Ship Type : Anubis (Modified to have more agility)
Ship Info : This is Roger's Fighter. But as not very good fighter pilot he constantly crashes it. (resulting in big repair prices)

Ship Name : Echo 2
Ship Class : Heavy Fighter
Ship Type : Anubis (Modified comfortability {electric windows etc} and cargo hold sze)
Ship Info : A standard fighter in mercenary fleet.

Ship Name : Echo 3
Ship class : Heavy Fighter
Ship Type : Anubis (Modified to be used as a scout)
Ship Info : A standard fighter in mercenary fleet.

It took me about 2 and half hours to make this all up... I'm very serious RPG player and love this kind of stuff.

If anybody thinks that theres something wrong lemme know, ok?

<<< >>>

Knight who wears White

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 03:53:48

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 03:58:13

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 04:05:02

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 04:06:04

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 04:14:02

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 04:20:21

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 04:24:02

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 05:01:40

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 07:56:40

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 08:06:09

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 09:41:14

Edited by - White Knight on 25-07-2003 10:17:02

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 3:50 am

-Jake Patterson
-Dromedary modified for extra cargo
-Jake not only runs an occasional trade mission but runs the bar in New Tokyo where he sells much more than drinks. Under the support of various criminal elements he will see you any weapon, contraband, and anything else the government has a law for. Examples are varius weapons systems not usually found in house territory such as the pyros and Tizona del Cid. Artifacts and Cardamine are also available, for a high price. His main source of income however, is the small arms trade. He stocks one of the largest supplies of guns in Kusari. Guns like the Sig P3000 and G360, or even a sholder launched missile capable of taking out landing hovering ships. Essential weapons for any pirate or revolutionary! As for every1 else..... just forget you heard this.

oh, btw, whats gonna happen in terms of the systems?

Edited by - sandworm27 on 25-07-2003 05:13:34

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:08 am

Well here's mine

Name: unknown
Call sign: Dragon
Ship: Crusader (was at least,now so heavily modded with extra custom armour plating that it looks like a nightmarish beast, along with a prototype engine and shield hijacked from rheinland with three level 10 mounts and four level 9 , optimal 9)
Ship name: The End Seeker
Allignment: Chaotic neutral
Age: Unknown; believed to be in mid-twenties to early thirties

As far as dragon can remember, he lived a happy life on a privately owned planet with his family of 3 children. One day he came home to find his family slaughtered in a rather gruesome way. Something hit him in the back of the head and he woke up in a medical bay unable to remember a thing such as names and where he was. Driven to the brink of insanity by recurring images of people mutalated (his family) he snuck up on a guard and took his gun. Dragon then proceeded to shoot his way out of the hospital. He then discovered that his bank account was quite full and went off to buy a ship (the original crusader). Dragon scoured police databases to find no record of himself or the faces of the people he remembered. One night while racking his brain for his name he came up with Dragon. Dragon knew it wasn't his real name but knew it had had some value to him. Over the years dragon repeatedly altered the looks of his ship to fit an image he had in his now disgustingly twisted thoghts. Apparently inbewed from his past life with piloting skills beyond comparison and a massive knowledge of the house militaries he compulsively searched for the parts to make his ship the best of the best. Dragon now takes on what would be called impossible missions hoping to die. When he does not he simply searches for something harder, this attitude has once again filled his bank account (it was frozen when the bank heard the original owner was supposedly dead). Dragon has no remaining morals or emotion making him the perfect soldier. Coupled with a twisted sense of innovation makes him a very dangerous man indeed.

Dragon has also been looking at the latest militay capital ships. If unable to get one, he also know a few... unconventional methods of aquiring one.

Edited by - Exzyle on 25-07-2003 06:42:28

Edited by - Exzyle on 25-07-2003 08:25:34

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:12 am

Hey Wiz....Great idea....are you going to make our stories coincide....that would be someone flying a fighter can fly escort for someone flying a freighter...just my two cents....(i finally understand your name...i feel so proud....yet dumb)

Name: Cypher (Cy is ok last name)
Ship Name: not really...trying to toss in humor....Vixen is the name...
Ship Class: Piranha
Age: 27

Cy is a bounty hunter by profession....He became a hunter at the age of 16 when another hunter witnessed him destroy 2 rogue Bloodhounds in his Starflier... Though underage, he was such a good pilot that the other hunter didnt want to lose him...He took him back to the nearest hunter base and since then Cy has been a professional hunter. He is aggresive on the field but is a nice all around guy in person, making him well liked by his peers, and extremely hated by his enemies...His smooth nature draws him away from the raw power of heavier ships and thus he flies a Piranha light fighter....But dont mistake Cy for a poor bounty hunter that cannot afford a more advanced ship...He has taken down many heavier ships in that piranha and has never lost a bounty to another pilot in his 11 years as a hunter...He even occasionally flies escort for transports and capships...

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:12 am

I edited with an added history for my character.

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:25 am

Hmmm, this sounds like it could be fun! I'm in!

Name: Fujita Akira (Last name first)
Callsign: Baka (Idiot)
Shipname: Hotaru (Firefly)
Ship: Drake
Age: 18
History: Akira's father is in the Kusari Police, and his mother is a frieghter pilot. Understandably, Akira's childhood was largly spent around spacecraft. He started flying at the age of 8 when his mother let him fly the frieghter on short hops. He experienced combat for the first time at the age of 13 when his mom was hurt during a pirate attack. Akira took control of the turrets, and with the help of the police, the pirates were driven off. On the day of his 18th birthday, Akira signed up with the Kusari navy. During training, Akira proved to be very agressive in combat, and prone to finding himself surrounded, which is one of the ways he earned his callsign. He is however quite resourceful in using the environment to his advantage. Asteroids and nebulas with voltile gas packets are two of his favorite areas to fight in. In his class, he scored the highest in flight maneuvering and gunnery, but recived lower than average in marks in leadership and technical knowledge. Akira now awaits his first mission.
Alignment: I don't really know the official term. More of Good intentions kinda guy, but definately not goody twoshoes prick. (not dissing anyone who is a goody two shoes. lol)

Edited by - Hole in Head on 25-07-2003 06:33:58

Edited by - Hole in Head on 25-07-2003 07:29:57

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:30 am

If he's in the Kusari Navy then he's Lawful Good. The Navy is a peacekeeping naval Force.

BTW, Another Edit in my thing, I'm changning the callsign, hazard doesn't fit myself(I used my real name instead of something involving Savage.)

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:32 am

Well, because he's in the navy, he's OBLIGATED to be lawful good, but he doesn't necessaraly mean that he actually is lawful good.

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:35 am

True, true. Then how does he feel personally. That is your answer. Try to describe it and I'll give ya the term. BTW, I'm now Viaggiatore. Italian for Wandered, but it's probably wrong. I got it offa babelfish.

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:45 am

Perhaps chaotic lawful?

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:56 am

please... I'm gonna tell that there can be no such thing as chaotic lawful (or something...) but please lets not argue and let this topic be for character creation. When's the action gonna start?

Knight who wears White

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 5:58 am

Yea, I gotta start Taking people places. Like Transporting Zoners.

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 6:33 am

I was just wondering....

How big will this webstory be? Will it completely affect the Freelancer universe? Or will it be on a much smaller scale? Also, will these take place before or after the events of the FL single player (If those events actually matter)? In addition, how will this story be developed in order to be cohesive?

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