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The Lancersreactor webstory

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:47 pm

The Lancersreactor webstory

I've been thinking about sycho_warrior's idea (starting a webstory) and I decided that we can try it. Me and the other moderators can be the storytellers. It'll basicly be a RPG (webstory) with a little bit of Freelancer elements added to it.

You can use this thread to sign in so we can use you in the story.
All I need are the following things:
1) Character name
2) Ship name
3) Ship class
4) Little background info on your character

I'll explain the rules when we're going to start the story.

Last but not least: I want that the people who sign in visit TLR regularly to check on the latest developments regarding the story. Signing in and than making just one appereance makes no use.

I hope that we're going to enjoy this

My profile:

Character name: Vincenzo Terranova
Ship name: Black widdow
Ship class: Build out of various ship parts
Character background: Terranova lost his parents during a pirate attack. His foster parents weren't the nicest people around. When he reahced the age of 18, he bought his first ship and left the planet of New Roma. He swore that he was going to revenge his parents. He hunted down as much pirates and raiders as he could, collecting ship parts of the ships he destroyed. He doesn't like to work in groups.
Allignment: Neutral to slightly evil.

-- The Lancersreactor: where the screenshots are never blurry, and the script kiddies get publically kicked around.

The Lancersreactor FAQ
The use of signatures

Edited by - Wizard on 24-07-2003 23:32:54

Edited by - Wizard on 25-07-2003 11:00:40

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 5:07 pm

I don't have FL, and the only a bit familiar with the multiplayer part of FL in LAN parties. Are you allowed to own battleships? if yes, what about non-canon battleships and stations (not in FL)?

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 7:54 pm

You remember the Starlancer RPG?
It'll be like an RPG, where I (and the other mods will determine your actions).
Maybe you'll be promoted during the story, maybe not

-- The Lancersreactor: where the screenshots are never blurry, and the script kiddies get publically kicked around.

The Lancersreactor FAQ
The use of signatures

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 8:17 pm

well some one has to go first.

Character name - Steve "StarShock" Davidson

Ship name - Seether

Ship class - Series Z "Sabre" Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter

Story - Born the son of a wealthy businessman, Steve spent his childhood yearning for adventure, his father wanted him to run the family business, first chance he got he left his family bought a ship and started freelancing. Now four years later Steve has shown he is a more than capable pilot but he still carrys a cocky arrogance from his highclass upbringing.

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 8:18 pm

The SL RPG was mindless madness. Everyone just started to call reinforcements out of their ass, summoning ships noone had ever heard of. You'll need to think like a lawyer and plan this game really really thoroughly. Allowable character starting stats, starting money, hitpoint of each ship, damage point of each weapon, bonus damage inflicted on certain type of ship by a certain type of weapon, piloting skill, gunnery skill, and these are just scratching the surface. Most RPGs (Battletech, Warhammer, Ctulhu, for example) have literally dozens of rulebooks, sourcebooks, and technical readouts. Are you sure you're up to write those rules? It's a pain, but necessary to keep your thread from becoming a spamnest.

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 8:19 pm

Nono, not that RPG, a previous one.
And it's more like a webstory, not a difficult RPG
You'll learn along the way

-- The Lancersreactor: where the screenshots are never blurry, and the script kiddies get publically kicked around.

The Lancersreactor FAQ
The use of signatures

This is an example

Edited by - Wizard on 24-07-2003 21:23:21

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:29 pm

Hmm...sounds like a slightly larger scale version of a school game we played. There would be 4 people to a table and each person would write a little bit then pass it on to the next person at the table. Sounds like fun. Seeing as how I've got quite a bit of time on my hands at the moment I may join in.

Name: Sagara Seki (in Japanese fashion the family name comes first)
Callsign: Celestin
Ship class: slightly tweaked 'Drake' Kusari Light Fighter (tweaked to incorporate a Rheinland equipment)
Ship Name: Tenshi

Haven't come up with a history yet. Will come up with one shortly (next day or 2) and post then. All I know is that it will involve being on border patrol along the Kusari/Rheinland border (around the Sigma-19 jump gate), a Rheinland dispute, and either the Bundschuh or Blood Dragons. Please stand by for transmission...

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:43 pm

I take it that we cannot have 2 characters then (same spirit, just one 'light' the other 'dark')? Like say 2 brothers go separate ways, one following the path of justice and compassion, the other following vengeance and hate. I suppose that it would be too much to ask for...

EDIT--by the way, sorry for the two posts in an hour, I just thought of this while working. It would be interesting to see how this would play out...but because of the way the two stories would need to be written, it would be highly unlikely that it will happen. I say unlikely because unless 2 people tightly coordinated with each other their stories, it probably won't happen at all. Either way works for me...I just think that it would be interesting to have a character with a mirror spirit (wayward brother or something equivalent). Cheers.

Edited by - Ein-7919 on 24-07-2003 22:46:24

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:54 pm

One thing, please put your allignmetn (good, evil) in the description... might come in handy

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:36 pm

Wizard, AWESOME idea...
Did something with Final Fantasy once that was similar, totally awesome...
Well, I'm up for it...
However, question: If everyone starts picking the best ships (Titan, Eagle and Sabre) then this is gonna get dull very quickly. One thing the game was really imbalanced with was that the house fighters were radically different. Obviously Liberty were the weakest, then Bretonia, then Kusari and finally Rhienland.
May I suggest that we allow certain modifcations to ships?
I'll have a Defender, but it'll need more than a class 3 gun!
If not I'll repick my ship...

Name: Lutz "WidowMaker" Walsh
Ship Name: Defiant
Ship Class: Defender

I'll right my characters profile tomorrow.

If it wasn't for the inky blackness of the night you wouldn't appreciate the brilliance of the stars...

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:42 pm

Good idea on the alignment bit...but 2 more questions (one quick little question and the other not so little):

Quick question: Can we alter the control method for our craft? e.g. as opposed to flight sticks, mice, AI controlled flight we 'modify' (for only the individual's space-craft, not a universal alteration) the controls to be operated via a hand-panel that the left hand fits into. (This method of control is inspired by the anime series Crest/Banner of the Stars...and it seems rather simple and intuitive. If you haven't seen the series I highly recommend it).

Sure, why not

Second question: Will the webstory take place before, during, or after the events portrayed in the game? If it's during the game-story, then I've got a couple of nifty ideas for me(sic) character. If after or before...well, I'll think of something.

It's a whole different universe, with little Freelancer elements (likethe names and weapons)
And to keep myself from continually posting new replies to this thread, here are the basic details (name/ship/ship name) of my character (I will include the mirror of my character in the event that I am allowed 2 chars):

Name: Sagara Seki (mostly Chaotic Good) Callsign: Celestin
Ship Class: Modded 'Drake' class Kusari Light Fighter
Ship Name: Tenshi

2nd char Name: Sagara Johji (mostly Lawful Evil) Callsign: Nikobo
Ship Class: Enhanced 'Drake' Kusari Light Fighter (enhanced by Rheinland engineers to hold Rheinland shields/powerplant/weapons)
Ship Name: Bakemono

(As mentioned before, I will flesh out a background--for both characters--a bit later. Coming up with characters is the easy part)

Edited by - Wizard on 24-07-2003 23:50:05

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:42 pm

Character name: Thomas Johnson (chaotic good)
Ship: Stolen Rhino (no weapons or shields)
Ship name: Resourceful
History: Thomas Johnson was born in the ranks of the Liberty Rogues. He began flying at 13 in order to help his faction out of loyalty, not out of a moral obligation. He was mocked and scorned when he was young for his less than terrifying physical presence, but that soon changed after facing the terrors of the LPI Sugarland. Convicted for three years for possession of illegal arms, he grew in size and stature incredibly working in the worker-unfriendly smelters, and silenced the scorn surrounding him upon his freedom. He was convicted of the same charge after being caught in his first Rogue raid.

Recently freed from LPI Sugarland, Johnson slipped on a cargo transport making an emergency stop after a Hacker raid, which took him to Houston. With no money currently in hand and his criminal background preventing him from getting even the lowliest job, Johnson resorted to crime to bring him his basic necessities. He was determined not to go to the forced labor camps of the LPI, but he had nowhere to go and no way to get there. Fortunately for him, the circumstances were in his favor. One day, as he walked onto a landing pad and saw an ungaurded and rather run down Rhino, but it was the break he was looking for. With some experience in hotwiring he easily lifted the Rhino off the pad and took to the skies. The police were immediately alerted, but fate was on his side. With a miraculous escape and two dozen LPI officers on his tail, he managed to make it to Hamburg.

His goal: his own survival. A good guy born in the wrong place, he will spare any man's life unless he is forced otherwise. And fortunately, his large presence keeps most of the petty thiefs and muggers away from him. He hopes to make a new, law abiding life in the other places in Sirius. However, first things first, he needs a better ship, as his recent acquirement would be easy targets for criminals.

Edited by - Jim Groovester on 24-07-2003 23:49:39

Edited by - Jim Groovester on 25-07-2003 07:58:26

Post Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:47 pm

Well... you don't fight against each other.
Let me give you an example on how this will go:

"GM: Terranova walks into a bar. He notices a stranger from a different planet sitting nea the window (Lutz for example). Terranova approaches him.

Terranova: Hello sir. You must be new around here. Let me introduce myself (bla bla bla)

That's where you come into play. this could have been your post.

Lutz: Howdy mate, they call me the Widowmaker bla...bla..bla"

All of your major actions will be determined by the GM's. Off course, you have a voice to.

When in battle... Things will go like this:

" **Suddenly a hostile smuggler fired 3 missles at Lutz**

Lutz: Bogey on my six, someone cover me! He's firing at me, come on people! I'm out of countermeasures and I'm running low on nanabots!

GM: One of the missles hit Lut, damaging his Nomad shield pretty bad!"

And so on... off course, the posts will be alot longer.
We'll work thinhs out along the way.

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 12:50 am

Name: Matthew Quigley (Pilot Errant)

Ship: Cerulean Dream

Class: Modified Patriot Light Fighter (optimum 4, maximum 6)

Equipment: 4 Sunblast A
Wasp Cruise Disruptor (20)
Adv. Countermeasures (25)
Adv. Sentiel Light Fighter
Adv. Thruster

Dossier: Matthew Quigley's parents had been died two years ago in a speeder crash. His older brother, Tenadore, died two weeks ago. Ten, as he was called, was a graduate of West Point and Naval fighter pilot. He was escorting a classified convoy. The Convoy was lost, along with Ten and his flight. Ten was blamed for the disaster.
Matthew following in his brother's footsteps was attending West Point. Matthew was caught up in the bow wave of Ten's screw-up and was expelled from the Academy. Matthew used the skills from the Academy and all the money he had to get a Patriot.
Matthew, called by most "Quigley", turned freelancer, taking jobs that required his certain touch, and explored the Sirius Sector. Along the way his Patriot picked up its present modifications, a electric blue detailing, and name "Cerulean Dream." Through his travels, Quigley has never compromised his morals and fights evil in all forms, be it pirate or corporate. He also seeks any information as to what Ten had done and what it had to do with him.

For the joy of smoting.
"You're clever than you look, Q" ~Bond
"Better than looking clever than you are, 007" ~Q

Post Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:31 am

Name: Andrew Arrigoni

Callsign: Viaggiatore(Traveller in Italian)

Ship: The Rusty Camel(Hey, a Dromedary IS a kind of camel.)

Class: Modified Dromedary class freighter.(6 Optimal, 8 Max)

Allegiance: Zoner(Totally Neutral)

Equipment: 2 Barrager MKIIIs
1 Sunblast A
5 Vengeance Turrets
(If they fit, I don't remember the class requirements right now)
Adv. Brigandine Fr. Shield(Think of the Millenium Falcon. The Jerry rig to get it in there causes it to cut out at the worst possible times.)
Adv. CM Dropper.
Had a mine launcher.......but it kinda fell off somewhere in Omicron Theta.
Order Thruster(He was in New York when the Donau was destroyed and managed to scavenge a thruster before the cleanup crew arrived. Then he got lost again, but he managed to mount it. It was very heavily damaged and he was too broke to fix it at the time, so he just left it bust and still hasn't fixed it. It's bound to fail of blow up very soon)

Dossier: Knows his way all through the outer systems, especially the Edge systems. The Outcasts don't like him, but they tolerate him....he is suspected of running Cardimine and Artifacts to Manhattan itself, but it has never been proven. Most likely it is dropped off at Rochestor, if he does it at all. He has a small problem, he has been spending so much time in the outer systems, that he knows all the jumpholes and out of the way places there are....but he gets lost at home, in the core systems. He once spent 2 hours buzzing around fort bush trying to find Detroit Munitions. If you need a smuggler, or a guide in the outer uncivilized reachs of Human civilization, give him a buzz. If you're in the core systems, he'll find you. Eventually. You'll know his ship, by the way it looks. It may appear that he painted it so well that it LOOKS rusty, but in reality......It really is. Spent a little too much time on planet Kurile.

Personal History: Andrew is an Italian by heart. There were plenty of fully Italian New Yorkers on the Liberty when it launched, and they stuck together after planetfall on Manhattan. He is a product of Little Italy sector. He started out as a Navy officer until.....well....nothing happened, he just quit and deserted with his Defender. He wandered around throughout Texas until he discovered that there was a small bounty on his head. A simple Bring back alive for Desertion and Theft. He was ambushed by some Amatuer Bounty Hunters and defeated them all. Quick and Painless. So Painless that three days later the Bounty Hunters were rescued. Andrew had only disabled their ships and ran off. Impressed by this, the Lane Hackers took him in(Also because the Hackers were Being hunted and the bounty on Arrigoni distracted them). This made him an instant enemy of the Xenos. At Mactan he met his next ship. A Lane Hacker pilot had recently died of a Cardimine overdose and left his fully equipped Dagger behind. After awhile he was a full fledged Lane Hacker thug. Thankfully, nobody knew and he was still good in most of Liberty. He made a few bribes that took the navy and most of the Bounty Hunters off his back. The leader of the Bounty Hunters he disabled was still after him and defeated Arrigoni after a lengthy one on one dogfight. The Dagger was very badly damaged, and Andrew had to eject. Since there was no bounty anymore, the Hunter left him for dead. His old Hacker allies found him and brought him back to Mactan. This is where he discovered his true injuries. Broken arms, mangled hands. One of his hands had to be replaced with a mechanical one jerry rigged off a fried robot.

At this point he was no longer able to fight and bought a hand-me-down Dromedary, the Not Quite so rusty "Rusty Camel". This is about when he began his travels. Trough Bretonia, Kusari, and finally out into the Edge Worlds. He got onto the Not-so-bad side of the Outcasts and was allowed access to Malta. He stayed on Malta for about a month, managing not to take Cardimine. A damn good miracle. He began his exodus and became good friends with the Zoners, eventually becoming one himself. Soon landed at the Samura base on Kurile. Stayed there for nearly a year without ever touching his ship. The Camel was quite rusty at his point. This is about when he made his way back home. Manhattan. He was in orbit when the Donau was destroyed by an Order attack group. He stayed in the back awaiting the end of the battle so he could scavenge before the Junkers showed up. He was on the way to Rochester anyway. He snatched up what he could and completed his "Cargo" Run to Rochester and proceeded to Detroit. Took him a few days because he got lost, but he made it. Grabbed some guns from Detroit, wandred to the California gate and made it through the outer systems again, barely missing the The Rheinland fleet making its way to Kusari. He's been at Freeport 9 ever since. He has started a Guide business and is awaiting customers.

Is it just me? Or does our good buddy Trent look every so slightly like a certain beloved.....Battlestar Galactica rouge.

Edited by - CptSavage on 25-07-2003 06:33:30

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