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Laughter is inevitable

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:19 pm

Laughter is inevitable

Perhaps the following will cheer you guys up ! Here are some pictures with accompanying text.

"Okay, now twist to the left, push it up 45 degrees then pull!"

"Aha! He's using Linux!"

Apparently, there were a lot of people that Vader "wanted to see with his own eyes."

"In a moment of weakness Vader was totally caught off-guard by the "Nerd Gang."

"I'm sorry Lord Vader, but it doesn't look like you're cable-ready."

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"Hair Club for the Sith: I'm not only a Dark Lord, I'm also a client."

Skywalker chose the name "Darth Vader" mainly because "Headwound Annie" just didn't strike the same fear into the hearts of his foes.

"Can you hear me now? Good!"

"Look Bob, if I press here his foot wiggles...!"

All the Emperor's horses and all the Emperor's men couldn't put Darth Vader back together again.

Behind every great man are a dozen nerds.

"Whew! Chewie! Ever hear of a Tic-Tac?"

Bo Shek realizes too late that his fellow barflies may not appreciate jokes about stupid Wookiees and senile Jedi.

"You know, young man, when you say, 'I'd rather kiss a Wookiee,' you really need to take a look around you first."

"Yeah, well at least in a twenty years my haircut will be in style again!"

"What's that boy? Timmy's stuck in the well?"

"You call those sideburns?"

"Hey, are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?"

"Fuzzball? No one said Fuzzball!"

The fur salesman was soon to discover that he had enquired at the wrong dwelling. Stormtroopers called to the scene later could only describe what they found as "gruesome, yet humorous."

"He followed me home. Can I keep him?"

"I now pronounce you husband and Wookiee."

The Dunes of Hazzard

SUNDAY!!! SUNDAY!! SUNDAY!! Come see the Jawas attempt to jump not one, but TWO Rebel cruisers!!

"Quick, cue up 'Ride of the Valkyries!''

And that was the last time the Jawas were allowed to watch The Fast and the Furious.

"KITT, turbo boost!"

Tragically, the boy on the flying bike was never heard from again.

Cameron Fry didn't feel quite right about leaving his dad's sandcrawler at that parking garage.

Jawa eXtreme Off-Road! Coming soon from LucasArts to your home console!

"Yee-haw! Uh, I mean Utinni!"

Here he comes, here comes Speed Jawa, he's a demon on wheels...

Heh he, there´s plenty more where that came from...

Hope is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:50 pm

He he I love these, did you get them off I haven't been there in ages.

Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 2:50 pm

No, they are from the official Star Wars site, can you believe it ? Heh he, they allow mockery on their own site

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:27 am

Would it have killed you to put a roof on the walkway to the landing pad?
by Admiral Helmut Dark Lord of the Sixth

Obi-Wan: "Love is a many splendor'd thing... Love lifts us up where we belong... All you need is Love..." Taun We: "Please don't start that..."
by JediPat

Obi-Wan: So let me get this straight. You found the most dangerous man in the galaxy and you decided to make more of him?
by Inebriated Wyrm

Kaminoan: Yes. And given the hive mind mentality of the clones and the isolation of this facility, a single homicidal thought could do in this entire planet. ObiWan: Right, let me know how that goes
by Inebriated Wyrm

hey, aren't you the one that put that probe up my padawan 10 years ago?
by empirestrikes

"I'm really glad George gave me this part. I haven't had much work since i was a kid, when I played Alien #6 in Close Encounters."
by JPJ

Sorry, I don't date shorter men.
by z00t

That's alright, I don't date
by z00t

Sure I like you, but if we are to have any chance of a future the heels have got to go
by Me

"Are you waiting for a bus?" "No, I'm just hanging out."

Welcome to Wal-Mart.
by CarboniteHydrates

"Are you just going to leave your droid out there in the rain?" "I don't recall ever owning a droid."
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

Obi-Wan: Do you validate parking?
by Clutch D'Rofab

Obi: "Umm... you don't look like the description you gave me online."
by Darth_Dave

Obi-Wan: "You've been waiting for me for the past ten years, and thought nothing of it?" Taun We: "Yes, we have remarkable patience. Though we gave up waiting for SWG to be released. Darn lazy devs."
by WashuChanFan

"Do NOT go in there! WHOOOOOoooooooo!"
by Edgar Greyshadow

Man... now I understand why they deleted this planet from the archieves...
by Bowman Gavin

Taun We “Ah, Jedi Master Obi wan Kenobi. Has the Jedi Council send you to protect me from the fan-boys” Obi wan : “Protection? (Hides a bouquet of flowers) Yes, that’s why I’m here.”
by Darth_Pleakly

"Can I borrow your dryer? TFN refused to do my laundry."
by Macaroni Penguin

A jedi shall not know anger, or love, or what the hell the big deal Taun We is with you TFN people.
by Darth_Dave

I'm afraid I'm still in the "Fans of a Real Woman in a Tight White Jumpsuit" camp here, guys...
by snowdog83

OBi-WAN: (thinking) I had no idea Callista Flockhart was in this movie!
by Porbevil

Watching the dailies, Taun We was amazed by the life-like movements of CG Ewan. (is my modifier dangling? I think it's okay. Sorry to bother. --S.)
by stephenhero

by Jessie

We know what you're really cloning! Bootlegs!
by jedich

OBi-WAN: This proves that disturbance I felt in the Force: the NBA has come to our galaxy."
by Porbevil

You know you are in space when you cant even shower without some creature watching you.
by guitar_chyck

"And now, young Obi-wan, you shall witness the full power of our Papasan chairs."
by Waxes a Chump Like a Candle

Welcome to married by America....
by JediWannabe

(TW) "Master Jedi!! What happened to you??" (OWK) "That is, by far, the WORST toilet in Scotland."
by Evil the Cat

"Did you see the finale of Farscape?" "Yeah, what a rip."
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

Obi wan: “I found a list of forty-six cool things about being a clone, and I’ve come here to see how many are true.”
by Darth Pleakly

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:28 am

Oooooh ... Remind me never to go out drinking with Han the night before a rescue attempt ... I'll never be able to look at Chewie the same way again ...
by overworked stalker

It was all a dream! and you were there... and you were there! Hey, wait... Where's Ben?
by LukeHamill

I Finally have fealings for a girl and shes my SISTER!!!
by Obi-wan Tednobi

"Man!, I got to think of something funny to post on TF.N"
by OutLander

Dude, where's my X-Wing?
by Jedi Master Jeremy

M.Hamill: "Yeah, yeah, very funny. Superglue on the glove. I guess you got me now get rid of that smirk and find me some turpentine or something!"
by Ajent Orenj

Luke: "I think one of those stormtroopers grazed me. No, wait I guess is was just my dangerously unruly bangs."
by Ajent Orenj

Where will you be when your headace medicine stops working?
by Rin

"Dang! Does EVERY stormtrooper bang his head on that door?!"
by Blow-Mi-One Cannoli

*singing softly* Too sexy for my helmet...
by Kalahari Karl

Wow, look at his bellybuttons. Got it ? Bellybuttons.....okay okay, i'll shut up
by Darth Fletcher

"After she said I was short for a Stormtrooper, I asked her if she was an angel. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!"
by Oxymoron

Such a horrible dream......... the TFN Humor Editor actually updated on time! O NO! NOW THAT I SAID IT THERE WON'T BE ANOThER UPDATE UNTIL 2025!
by Gamingboy

In a parallel universe, Luke finds out he *is* TK-421...
by Prizm

Leia (outside): "C'mon Luke, hurry up! I gotta go too!" Luke: "Yep, almost done..."
by Prizm

Only then, did luke realize his peril. He was stranded on the Death Star, a Sith Lord was after him, a beutiful princess wa sin front of him, and he had forgotten to wear pants.
by Master Fwiffo

Man, these updates really are a headache!
by TFN Humor Editor

That's it! You're not exactly tall for a princess! That's what I should have said!
by dx3

Mark Hamill's brain begins to hurt as he searches desperately for a Monty Python quote that will work.
by Ajent Orenj

Luke: ten, nine,eight.Im not peeping Liea. Ready or not here i come.

Are you sure my hair's on straight? Boy, if word got out that I was as bald as William Shatner, I'd be a laughing stock!
by Darth Humor

American Eagle brand armor: "For the stormtrooper in us all"
by Grim Melee

my god...TFN humor updated...ON TIME!!!!HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!HELL HAS - *thwap*....owwwwwwwwww...

THis scene taken mere seconds before the lights dimmed and "Sexual Healing" began playing
by JEdi Academy grad 1967

"What??? 'Corvette Summer' bombed at the Box Office!?!"
by Kenneth W. Dantley, Jr.

What's this? Dandruff? No...NOOO...It's not true....THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!
by JEdi Academy grad 1967

Hello, I'm Mark, and my extremely short friend behind me is Coco
by JEdi Academy grad 1967

A vision from the Force tells Mark that if he holds on to the crappy plastic armor he's wearing, he can sell it later for more than he made in every B-movie, computer game and voice-over gig since.
by Lighthammer72

Luke was slapped hard by Leia when he walked in her prison cell without knocking first.
by Darth Steve.

"Clean up in Cell Block 1138!"
by Son Of Jorel

Alcohol is the only way I can forget doing that DAMN Holiday Special.
by Son Of Jorel

Good bye hand. I'll miss you.
by Son Of Jorel

That’s it. THIS is my LAST convention!
by Son Of Jorel

Dang! LOTR really *is* better than SW!
by susan

bears a striking resemblance to "Joe Millionare" here.

Mark Hamill after he found out how much Star Wars: ANH grossed and then remebered he opted out of the profit sharing. "OY Vey!"
by Var Zol

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:31 am

Young lady you are not leaving this house wearing such attire and with your hair like that! I do not care what the latest fashion tips in Cosmo said! This is unacceptable!
by AnotherAgentSmith

"You're lying! Lucas would never replace my voice with someone else"
by Master Aero got, not yet....its a lil over. . .there! You got it!
by Dark Jedi Bishop

"Leia, I don't think you should be spending so much time with Han Whatshisname . . ."
by Mykael Shone

You will be home 10 o'clock or I'll send a Garrison!
by DG

Uhhh...yes, the ladies room is down that hall. It's the one marked interrogation chamb..., er, I mean, conference room 4.
by Nerpine the Verpine

"Daddy, THIS is the girl who made fun of my Halloween costume!"
by Scooter

"I'm not touching you. I'm not tounching you. Heh, heh, heh."
by Scooter

"How many times do I have to tell you-- if you use the starship, bring it back with a full tank!"
by Scooter

What about the left one? Is that one a sticky bun?
by Duane Miller

"Leia, I want you to meet daddy's new... uh, "friend."
by Buchol

"Don't ever take sides against the family again... ever."
by Dan Brown

"Look behind you!! A three-headed monkey!!!"
by Adam

"I want to know what happened to this photo's quality."
by Bowman Gavin

by Macaroni Penguin

I find your lack of time-awarness dusturbing! How long were you out with that Solo guy? I told you to be home by ten!
by Blue_Ice-Green_Fire

Vader: How many times do I have to tell you, Leia? You put your left arm in after you put your right arm in. Honestly, your brother got it right on the first try. Leia: Yea, yea, I get it da..Vader.
by Handmaiden Bridget

"No, you are not a Hobbit. You can't have a second breakfast."
by Grand Admiral Jaxx

"Is this how you kids do that 'Sign of the Devil' thing at rock concerts?" "No, hold it vertically." "Okay, I've got the outfit, the hand signs...I think I'm ready for the Aerosmith concert!"
by Cirrocco

"Captain! Prepare your men!" - - - "Uh, sir? I'm over here."
by Ajent Orenj

Vader: "HAHAHA!! Diplomatic mission to Alderaan! Good one!!!!"
by Ajent Orenj

I am no longer too frightened to tease a senator.
by aggiepadme03

'Do not play games with me, Your Highness! Unless you're talking about 'Scrabble' I'm always up for a good game of 'Scrabble'!"
by Davidw

Lord Vader has an embarrasing moment as his mechanical arm freezes in place.
by Darth Lairdman

Wait! That officer was in this scene?! Pan & Scan Sucks!
by Lord_Homer

We're not having this arguement. Not here, not now, not infront of the underling.
by Finn Dootric

Dude! You're getting a Dell!
by Darth Lucky

Vader: "Whooo's that ladyyyyyy...? WHO'S THAT LAY-DAH? Sexy ladyyyyyy... WHO'S THAT LAY-DAH?"
by Nemesis

Man I feel like I know you from somewhere....don't tell me! Let me guess? I can't put my finger on it but I know....
by Jedi Duritz

Dear Abby, Is it poor etiquette point with your pinky extended when taking prisoners? Signed, Confussed Sith Lord

Star Wars, the Updated Widescreen version shows us that Darth Vader was actually a Muppet, performed masterfully by Frank Oz disguised as an Imperial Officer
by Some Canadian Geek

"eeewww! You snogged your brother!!"
by Ian Spendloff

by Grand Admiral Gary

Suddenly Star Wars: Ultimate Edition takes a horrible turn as the Dark Lord's fingertip whirs opens, revealing a hidden blaster and the new theme song begins: "da,da,da,da,da the Sith Lord Gadget"
by tealcandtrip

Post Tue Jul 15, 2003 10:07 am

"Why do I feel so Small"

Mace Windu goes for the Bunt (Baseball term)

"I can't Believe it's over, Blackadder was the greatest"

"What's a Droid like you doing in a place like this?"

"What do you mean I look like a Mouse?"

"Powerful fart, coming on have I, Powerful fart"

"A TopGun through and through"

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