Compliment, eh? I don't know is this going to be a compliment to the ones involved, I always (99% of the time when I'm serious) tell what I think.
Fear Factor -- our voice of reason and true laughter. I joined TLR because of you.
TFBC in whole -- i think the B should be replaced w/ G (guys), except that everything else is in place...
leonhart -- the only one capable to understand in what kind of crappy situation I am. Also very inteligent, very gifted modder, and very young...
kimk -- my favourite young astronomer... and criticizer...
unpro -- the balancer. the local son of a b*tch who opposes common sence, moral, and makes fun of everything.
Huffer -- somewhat a darksider, but still a good person, worth spending time with.
zlo -- what can I say? I'd make you my father, brother, whatever anyday...
jessy -- you could be something else than a troll if you just wanted to... promise me that you'll try!
everyone else who I haven't mentioned because of lack of space and words -- you are all special in your own way... TLR wouldn't be what it is without you. TLR even made me wanna be a better person (the "I know it's stupid..." thread), I mean I even got rid of the EAGLE...
Anyway, I'm losing it, so I'll stop
Careful what you wish... You might just get it.
Edited by - Cpbuja on 05-06-2003 10:03:36