Defragmenting program.....
Anyways, ive already tried Diskeeper and Norton. Diskeeper was weird. I dont know why it needs to defrag 50 times just to get ur HD completely defragmented..seems like kinda stupid to me. But ive tried Diskeeper and let it run itself over and over again (set and forget, i believe it was called) and I also disabled the msg it gives after every run through, but it still wouldnt defrag successfully. After every defrag run, it would stop....bleh.
Norton was the one i used before and some really odd things started to happen on my computer. LOL, dont ask what odd things cuz i dont remember but I just remember that some weird things happened afterwards which seemed to dissipate with time....
So, can anyone recommend another good program I can use to defrag or maybe help me with Diskeeper, cuz it looks like a solid program but it just operates weird....
Thx in advance.
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