Fri Oct 22, 2004 3:42 pm by Chips
You have to..............
Take every addition from each mods respective files (all files - right click on the mods folder and click 'properties' - it will usually tell you the amount of files - like Evo has 1524 files in total).
Then paste those entries into the other mods custom files (ie, take all custom entries from one mods weapons_equip.ini file and put them into another mods weapons_equip.ini file).
Repeat the above up to 1524 times (depends upon how big the mod is!).
Next, once you have done this for all files you will need to ensure that there were no 'repeats' otherwise you may crash!
After that, you may need to redo all infocards for each of one mods custom entries - as the chances are they both use the same numbers. So if that was only two per file in evo (some files will have 0, some will have a few hundred custom ids entries) you can bank on it being anywhere between 2-10 thousand ids entries (i think ours runs at around 3000 or maybe a few hundred more - not sure really). You will have to renumber them anyway!
Once all that is done - you should be good to go, but if there are any problems I am affraid you will be on your own, as its far too much to expect anyone to debug.