the only 2 issues i have with FLE are these...
1.) When adding Fields..IE nebs and asteroids....they are usually labled [Asteriods for both and the .ini's are sent to the asteroids folder...(not a big problem since i manually go into the ini after creating the nebs and tweak em
2.) Patrols. some times they work some times they don't....but if ya go into the ini and add a variable or maybe a number here and there....then they work fine...
I am NOT saying the tool is bad. Its a GREAT start for any modder, but as any vet would say "You gotta do some INI editing" so hats off to the creators of the tool.....
also, i do agree with parabolix as well a louva, the programs is as good as its CREATORS and its USERS. Some people are too lazy to read the tuts on an editor and or program. (SOME NOT ALL). But for the most part people do read them mainy for the fact noone wants to sound like a noob
So for both sides here it is a good program...has a few MINOR bugs...and if anyone is doing .dll editing......use FLeIds, it is the easiest and best info card creator out there. Multiple tools and knowladge bases are required to make a system, not the imaginary "infalable tool".
"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"
Edited by - Dark_Shadow2004 on 11/19/2004 8:32:47 AM