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Post Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:28 am

What makes flying in EoC so hard is the fact that it uses newtonian physics, meaning ( the ships inertia keeps it going even though there is no thrust to propel it forward) . I like that type of flying but freelancer won't be using it. It will be same as the Wing Commander series/Privateer series/ and starlancer, so no need to worry about that.

You have to try that game in a dogfight... that roxerz

Edited by - TRAPPER on 30-01-2003 06:29:19

Post Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:10 am

I'm kind of glad that the newtonian physicis model is not being used. EoC had alot of potential and was a very cool game especially since it went according to the laws of physics. Unfortunately, as many who play EoC know, the laws of physics don't like to be bent in a dogfight and as such Eoc is one of the more harder space sims out there. Geeze, i can't even count the number of times that I died due to a mid-flight collison at incredible speeds. In a game like Freelancer or Wc, even if you happen to hit something it usually results in maybe some minor damage, a wing being clipped at most. Yea it may not be realistsic, but hey, it's a helluva lot more fun

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