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Ideas for Freelancer 2

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:30 pm

Maybe you shpould be able to walk yourself on the planets and make your own profile and create your own charecter that would be great!!!!!!!!

Post Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:20 am

I think that it would want everything on the last 18 pages, you should be able to do what you want if that be painting your ship to joining factions. Freelancer should not be limated to its current limitations. But should bwe simple for those who want it simple and you decide how complex to make it utter full control or variing degrees of partial control.

The sequal should be closer to the 10Gb mark (i am being relistic i only have 20Gb's myself).

Name wise if its FL2 it has to continue from before(you are Trent with Juni bla bla bla), maby dom komvosh come back and need help from the nomads(who could have co-olitionbonds for those who want it) which have gone rouge. If not we could use where they are as a name eg if it was a earth (not going to be) Solancer.

I think it would be good to be able to set up a buisness/faction, complete control from a runt to an empire with bases mining stations patrols escorts, the full works. I like the idea of empires rising and falling in a dynamic universe. But the ability to just be a single pilot .

I think that the entire Ship classes should be scraped and replaced by ships ranging from very light fighters to heavy fighters to gun boats to (current) battle ships to huge 100K monsters. It would be nice to buy a light fighter with 2 guns and a topedo launcher. In a word varierty. This is the same with every thing not enough size/power differences with asteriods planets, nebulas.

Also a much more detailed nav map, when you go into a system all bases info should automaticly put there by a special frequency, this frequency would also advertise specil nav map info jobs etc. with a easy way to filter it eg job-money highest or hidden treasure-new york- lowest first, this with a proper auto pilot/turret could alow a easier tading life.

All this plus the dynamic and '3D' universe.

Edited by - NuttyProSci-fi3000 on 4/11/2006 3:21:32 AM

Edited by - NuttyProSci-fi3000 on 4/11/2006 3:25:32 AM

Edited by - NuttyProSci-fi3000 on 4/11/2006 4:36:09 AM

Edited by - NuttyProSci-fi3000 on 4/11/2006 5:30:34 AM

Post Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:49 am

Even though Digital anvil does not exist microsoft owns its rights and asorbed its resources so if they tried they could easily do it.

Post Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:27 am

The BIG ships.

1 Is it just me or is it a waste of money to spend 1 000 000+ on a battle ship that has no sheilds. Every shot fired has to be repared a waste of money. If they do have shields (like starlancer) Isn't it a waste to be able to shoot them.

2 It would be nice if you could have 'Drop off Ships', you could send them in to lay some mines, auto turrets and mining stations just like that and have a new buisenes started up e.g. gold mining.

3 There should be more sizes avalible, battleships-extremebattleships-carriers-antistationships(6torps)-etc. The ability to stick moduals together and then place wepeons on alows for huge and starange ships that could get bigger than planets.

Post Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:12 am

i believe there should be more battleships as well. that actually fly around and are destroyable. i also believe u should be able to buy battleships. also once u buy a battleship other players are able to dock onto your battleship but only with ur permission. i think the buyable battleships should be the same as stationary battleships. any players docked on ur ship will be able to buy comodities, take missions,repair,ex. I also think when they repair on ur ship the money they spend goes into ur bank acount. The missions they do on ur ship subtracts from ur money. so u will have to allow them to do missions. and the money that they spend on comodities go in ur bank out when the buy. and get subtracted when they sell. anyways thats my 2 cents

Post Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:46 am

Hey... i just thought that multiple plot lines or different characters with interwinding plots would be nice...

Post Wed May 03, 2006 11:23 am

choice of character for MP, choice of Voice for MP. More Equipment EG: Television

Post Fri May 05, 2006 2:41 pm

I have just finished playing through Freelancer for a second time, and loved it, but there is one change I would definitely like to see in a FL2 - no more Juni! Her constant nagging got on my nerves. I want to trade and explore the universe and I can't even run missions while she is on my back. Stick her away in a 'main plot' folder somewhere and I'll get back in touch with her when I'm ready.

The other change I'd like to see is a more balanced plot. At present you finish the game with a fair proportion of the game world untouched - including all of Rheinland. I realise you can continue to play the game in sandbox mode but I find that a bit aimless. In Privateer there was a much better balance to the game. After you had completed one part of the plot you had to go looking for the continuation. By the time I'd finished a game I had explored every system and was ready to call it quits for a while (but I always went back - just hearing that opening sound track was a thrill).

Post Thu May 18, 2006 1:28 pm

1. as ur ship flies into a space station/planet u see the ships of other players that r docked already
2. be able to see and chat with other players in the bar. this could involve:
-normal chat
-forming parties
-dividing up loot
-taking up missions that can only be accepted by a group of pilots (mini campaign, such as killing rogue base, going to synth food base, then returning to manhattan but being ambushed by rogues on the way back)
3. having an alternative way to illegally enter a planet (must be very difficult or costly)
4. having a DPS system that tells u the exact damage per secong of a weapon when uve equipped all ur guns, making it easier to compare weapons and rate ur firepower

Edited by - redreaver on 5/18/2006 2:31:48 PM

Post Mon May 22, 2006 6:42 am

Other than what's in my signature, mines and missiles should be much more powerful, and mines especially should be more destructive, and missiles faster, and missiles that do more damage to armor than shields. And countermeasures really should cost alot more. I would also like more ships, and every single house to have level 10 everything. And the better houses simply have more pilots driving in level 10's than in lower levels, or in bulk. At the beggining of the missions, simply make the enemy ships easier to destroy, like they did with thr Rheinland and Order ships, which came to they're actual power later on, but for everything. Space effecs adjustable. I am someone who likes reality, but sometimes things should look better than normal.

Battleships, are made for battle, so therefore should be used to such thing as level 10 fighters. And, should be more powerful, and have better defence. For instance, if fighter has 600 attack times 8.33 refire 750 speed and range, then a battleship, should have 1200 range and speed 3000 damage, and a refire of 4 for guns. Battleships should be able to only go 45 klm, except for having thrusters and cruise engines. And expensive. Base weapons should have 4000 attack 2000 range and speed and 4.00 refire.

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/22/2006 12:02:57 PM

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/22/2006 12:05:23 PM

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/22/2006 12:09:59 PM

Post Mon May 22, 2006 3:05 pm

Oh and I think we should discover a group of rogue Italians and Frenchman nearby, after they abandoned they're country for fear of destruction.

I also find it necessary, that they let you build your credits up before starting the missions. These battleship and base building ideas would be nice to incorperate also, and maybe make your ship wingmates make trade runs? And ocassionally you could go with them and protect them. As you are notified of increased or decreased pirate activity.

Edited by - GeneralZap on 5/23/2006 11:08:05 AM

Post Wed May 24, 2006 1:43 am

Hey ppl, Im Pretty New here, but I loved FL and also ur new ideas.

I'v only got one to add as a possibility: When u go look for jobs in a bar, and u talk to the ppl offering the jobs - they should remember you and give you more and more advanced missions with advanced pay when u rerturn to them, as, like, a reward for your loyalty.

Keep up the Ideas!
DarchAngel out

Post Wed May 24, 2006 6:39 am

Yes, I always wanted better AI "friends" that pay more, and ocassionally give you a smile.

Post Thu May 25, 2006 5:08 am

i don't know how anybody else feels about this, but i would like too see trading in a similar way to what trading was like in X2. I love playing X2, but the ship controls weren't the best. just imagine what FL2 would be like if you were able to buy/build/defend/trade from and dock at your own factories, not to mention setting your own prices. iIt may be a too far fetched or maybe too much programming, but having your own news bullitin/job board aswell. were you get people too do jobs for you like delivering goods, transporting people if you have a faster ship than the employer, or assassinations for example, if someone tried too destroy your factory, and one last thought, if you could build your own factories, you could add depth too the game, because the systems in FL seem mostly to be on a 2D plane after all space is at least 3D, if you've been in a dogfight thats took you too a fair depth, you can, at times, feel out of your depth, so i don't see why they can't populate the place a bit

Just a FEW thoughts.....

Post Thu May 25, 2006 5:21 am

oh.... and one other thing. Leave the FL controls the they are. To change them would be a crime.

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