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Techy question

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Post Sun Mar 21, 2004 1:49 pm

Mertens - The Temp folder is usually under the %Windir%\temp directory. %Windir% is Windows, or Win98, etc. I do not know if it will help, but it is possible.

Post Sun Mar 21, 2004 11:38 pm

How to run starlancer on win XP?
When i am trying, he writes that program not for win32, or something like that.

Post Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:20 am

Shence, welcome to TLR! Are you double-clicking on an executable, or are you using the autorun feature? Either way, you may wish to try "Compatibility Mode" for Windows 2000 and see if that makes a difference.

Post Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:54 am

Thank you, but i have already tryied, in options i've choosen this mode with
different kinds of windows.It doesn't help.

Post Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:04 pm

Which particular file are you executing? It's sounds as if the file has been corrupted.

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:52 am

A few years ago this caused me weeks of anguish, crashing out to d'top, and Microsoft were of course useless as regards help, although to give them their due they did actually try.

it's an incompatibilty with EAX or other audio hardware acceleration, it seems. if you turn off 3d sound in SL, and make sure you have the correct and up-to-date drivers for your sound card, it goes away and you can kill Coalition fighters to your hearts content. It usually used to happen to me when I was lining up some Screamers onto a Kurgen's tailpipes, or getting new mission instructions.

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 1:08 pm

People never seem to realise the importance of updating their drivers *shakes head*. Oh well, after beng on this forum, some people now do!

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 2:39 pm

Started over. Now being in 5th place on the top-gun list around mission 10 or so (Yay ) though some objectives seem almost impossible to complete. Like destroying the engines of the big class # cruiser while you are around 500k away to guard some boarding ship docking with a command ship. Which btw needs to be disabled before they tell you to do because if you kill the sabers first the command ship leaves before you can kill the engines.

Oh well, I completed almost all objectives this time, though I didn't kill Viper this time, the treatorous rat

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:44 pm

You'll get there! I have completed every objective... except one. There was one mission in which I couldn't destroy all of the torpedoes fast enough, and I didn't get full points, as it were.

Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:13 am

you mean the one where the Reliant needs repairs and you're supposed to escort it?
I hate that mission, it always seems like I'm the only one of the 45th to attack the torps and they're coming in from 3 sides...

You were gone?

Edit: Damn spelling.

- I'm not crazy, I'm a car. And if you don't believe me, you can get out and walk home. -
*** The Titan flies like a cow ***
Fight like a Warlord

Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:53 pm

Of course you're the only one who destroys the torpedoes; the wingman are bloody useless! Actually, they only come in handy by giving enemies more targets to shoot!

Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:03 pm

@Bow to Nickless

First you change usernames like a mother changes a babies diapers and then you post your signature on most of your posts. Once a thread is more than enough for us.

(it's pick on Nick week)

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 5:09 am

I hate oneliners as replies, so I add my sig to fill up the reply. But I promise to be a good boy and behave

Edit: removed sig. I gotta get used to this...

Edited by - Bow to Nickless on 3/28/2004 6:09:58 AM

Post Sun Mar 28, 2004 1:09 pm

Can I have a go at Nickless too? Ahem.. stop using BOLD!!! (Well I had to think of something ).

Post Fri May 21, 2004 4:00 pm

(Sorry for the dig but why start a new thread right )

I've gotten past the "torp the hell out of the Varyav (or whatever), the coalistion 2nd fleet and I'm now supposed to kill the Black Guard and their ship the what's-it's-name. That mission stinks like hell. Why the hell do they have to bring in teh Yamato if it's gonna get torped to death anyway.
They're all like "Eeew, get those torps away from me!" and I'm like "I'm tryin', I'm tryin', while trying to find Petrov the weazel and protecting entire Alpha wing in teh progress. Wasn't Enriques supposed to fly along with us?
Anyway, The yamato backed out and later jumped back in (?) and launched Gamma wing and their own torps but it wasn't enough to take down teh what's-it's-name and all the while all hell is braking loose, torps fly everywhere, Basilisks cloaking and I don't know where to look and what to target. Orders issued are lost in teh noise and I won't hear em anyway cause I'm to busy trying to hit this blasted torps and basilisks, I must have killed over 20 of each before the Yamato blew up.

*sigh* just getting something of my chest, but it's a crappy mission and your wingmates are crappy pilots and the Yamato and Gamma wing can't aim, so there, crappy game. I need a drink.

Join my Army of Daftness and together we will rule the world of TRL, I mean RTL, I mean... damn, never mind.

I tried looking for a nice sig pic, preferrably one of a Hong Kong retail market street with all the ugly signs all over the place.
Anyone who can help he get this gets a cooky

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