Sat May 01, 2004 9:58 am by Chips
As nice as your site is, its soley made for cheating. I cannot believe you think we welcome links from sites aimed to give info on cheating.
Don't push your luck by posting about this again, and as a person who wishes to see MULTIPLAYER STAY AVAILABLE - i would ask you to remove all your "hints' and "tips" and "mods" that are soley intended to get around anti cheat software, and basically ruin the game for all.
Remember - servers are run by those with GOOD WILL and NO MONEY. They don't get paid for it at all, and it costs them a fortune. When some idiot comes along with the firm intent of ruining or disobeying their rules on THEIR server by modding, cheating or other, i just WISH that for one week we could have NO servers they all collectively say "enough" of the idiots who mod.
Grow up - and play the game or sling your hook......