Alright, first off, the site is working just fine. Be sure to log in before you try to get into the beta testers area, but you should be able to go right in.
The upgradable components are:
Cargo Space, Armor, Shield Batteries, Nanobots, max class of shield, max class of guns/turrets, impulse speed, handling, cruise enging warmup time, power plant size, power planet regen, thruster cap, and thruster regen to name a few.
Screenshots are irrelevant at this time, because these are UPGRADED ships, so they look the same, it's what's inside that different. As far as all new ships, we only have one put in the game at the moment. We have a total of 12 upgraded ships flying around, all with new IDS names, info, and of course stats. You don't actually need a base for every three of these ships, think of this pile of upgradable ships as a mutual pool for new factions. Until they can afford their own ship R&D, they will need to get ships from other factions, upgrade them, and fly them. That exactly what they would do, so they would only be in production of 2-6 upgraded ships at a time, then stop making the upgraded ships once they have their own ships. You follow?
Oh, and the number is 596,216,567,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 =
five hundred ninty six quintidecillion two hundred sixteen quadridecillion five hundred sixty seven tridecillion two hundred duodecillion combinations, and that's exactly how many their are, no exageration whatsoever.
EDIT: added this link...
Click here
Edited by - soundspawn on 15-12-2003 06:48:18