AlPal''s Everyone Loves You MOD
I just released my first MOD: AlPal's Everyone Loves You MOD. This MOD is similar to Tygrys' Friendly Universe MOD, as it makes everyone have "Friendly" status with you. The difference between the two is that you must do different things to get that "Friendly" status. Just to let you all know, I asked Tygrys if I could launch a similar MOD, and he said it was fine with him.
This forum topic is pretty much for feedback about my MOD. Post whatever comments about it that you feel apropriate.
Thank you for your feedback!
Edited by - alpal on 12-08-2003 19:23:44
This forum topic is pretty much for feedback about my MOD. Post whatever comments about it that you feel apropriate.
Thank you for your feedback!
Edited by - alpal on 12-08-2003 19:23:44