Sorry an electrical storm has caused havok with my system to updates will be slow for a while.
Rough prices are:
1) UDL4 - $80k
2) Z95 - $17k
3) SkyHawk - $600k
4) XWing - $45k
5) Viper - $85k
6) Cobra - $18k
7) Fedex - $260k
Cylon - $116k
9) Phoenix - $65k
10) Gargoyle - $52k
Ships Sold at:
Detroit Munitions: Z95,Fedex
LD-UDL44 Mining: UDL4,Phoenix
Leiden Base: Gargoyle
Beaumont Base: Gargoyle,Cobra,Fedex
Yanagi : Viper,Cylon
Helgoland: Cylon, XWing
Leipzig: SkyHawk
San Diego: Z95, Viper,Cobra
Freeport 4: Fedex, XWing
Outpost Holmann: Gargoyle, Z95
Kreuzenberg: Gargoyle, Cylon
Bradenburg: UDL4, SkyHawk, Viper
Cali: Gargoyle, UDL4, SkyHawk
Aberdeen Station: XWing, Viper
Ronneburg: SkyHawk, Cylon, Gargoyle
Sapporo: SkyHawk, Viper, Gargoyle
Rappongi: Z95, Viper, Gargoyle
Ainu:Gargoyle, Z95, XWing
Ouray Base: Gargoyle, Fedex, Z95