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Hyperspace MOD in developement

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Post Thu May 29, 2003 9:21 am

Hyperspace MOD in developement

I'm currently making a mod that u can travel to ANY part of the universe using a 'HpyerGate' I'm still tryin to work out som minor bugs...but the further you travel through the hyperspace 'dimension' the more radiation damage you'll get, making it harder to travel from one side of the map to another. Any suggestions and I would very much appreciate it!

Many will strive to survive.But only a few will prevail

Post Thu May 29, 2003 10:37 pm

sweet! hope this mod works out. I've been hearing a lot of people wanting this kind of feature.

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website!

Post Fri May 30, 2003 1:05 am

Can you post the beta for us beta testers????
I know i would not mind a test run or 2 or 3 get the point.

"Live Fast Die Young, For this is the only way a Freelance Merc. Can Survive the universe."


Post Fri May 30, 2003 10:36 am

At the moment my current hyperspace mod has crashed so i'm redoing it... at the moment i have all the liberty systems connected to it and hopefully i'll have ALL 42 SYSTEMS connected to it!!! i'll try compiling a beta version and putting it on the forum ASAP for the ppl who wanna test it out

Many will strive to survive.But only a few will prevail

Post Fri May 30, 2003 11:55 am

its 52 right? btw cool idea, but the hypergates the kash chaval made where for travel between galixys, like from the milky way to the serious system...

Post Fri May 30, 2003 11:56 am

btw i think you shoulndt make a stand alone mod but give the codes and stuff to the big mods, if there are like 3 big mods it would be super instead of 100 small ones :/

Post Fri May 30, 2003 12:08 pm

deadflip...wot ur tryin to tell me is that when i've finished my mod i should give it to another creator shuch as reynen and let him add it to his mods? like a joint mod?

Many will strive to survive.But only a few will prevail

Post Fri May 30, 2003 1:42 pm

something like that... well there is a problem with it i know, it will make you look like on the background even though you are putting a lot of time in it, but if there are a lot of small mods there wont be servers running some of the mods... but offcourse it is your idea i am not saying you should do it and im not saying it just 2 you but it wont be usefull if there are a lot of small mods and small servers hosting them, but on the other side, your mod is a mod that doesnt just add some ships but makes a major change in the galixy...

Post Fri May 30, 2003 10:14 pm

I know what you mean by the khan chavash ppl making hypergates to cross into other galixies....but that sound like an intresting idea though making another galixy to fly to but it would indefinatly make freelancer crash due to missing scripts and not being able to handle another galixy let alone the sirus system. This is jus only intended as an easier way of traveling around the galixy insted of taking interstellar jumpgates and there is 52 systems which will indeed take som time to put together this mod but i believe that this WILL be worth it!

I'll keep u updated wit the mods' progress

Many will strive to survive.But only a few will prevail

Post Sat May 31, 2003 10:57 am

offcourse its one of the most wonderfull mod ideas in freelancer, making a tradelane-like-inter-system-travel-system.

Post Sat May 31, 2003 9:55 pm

If you plan on using the Hyperspace system that came with hostile universe then email me first. Im getting pretty sick of seeing hostile universe turn up in other peoples mods.

BTW i like the radiation idea, id definately keep that had i thought of it first.


Post Sun Jun 01, 2003 12:54 pm

This hyperspace mod is NOT From the Hostile Universe mod as this is a custom made system which i just put on the very edge of the map... still haven't got around to finishing the mod and trying to fix the exclusion fields in the system which REALLY ANNOYING!

Many will strive to survive.But only a few will prevail

Post Sun Jun 01, 2003 5:19 pm

Email me at [email protected]

Tell me your problem and i'll help you fix it. I use exclusion fields all the time and understand how they work.

You will be back on track in no time.


Post Sun Jun 01, 2003 9:59 pm


freelancer locator is a great tool to help with the placement of things. look around in the utilities or something here on lancersreactor if ya don't allready have it.

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website!

Post Mon Jun 02, 2003 3:43 pm

That should come handy to me

Many will strive to survive.But only a few will prevail

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