How to retain reputation after log-off
I've searched across the forums, and no one seems to hold the answer for the question I have.
How do I retain the reputation after log-off, and the machine has shut down? I play alot with my brother, and in our opinion it's downside that the reputation starts at neutral, everytime we log-on anew.
We still use our current accounts, i.e. we don't create new ones everytime we log-on anew, but the reputation is neutralized.
So how do I retain it?
How do I retain the reputation after log-off, and the machine has shut down? I play alot with my brother, and in our opinion it's downside that the reputation starts at neutral, everytime we log-on anew.
We still use our current accounts, i.e. we don't create new ones everytime we log-on anew, but the reputation is neutralized.
So how do I retain it?