We're working on it. Right now we took Elite off-line until we can better handle situations like this. I feel for you in regards to your server, and a solution is coming. I was presented with a list of "demands" from someone (who will remain nameless, there's no point) and to be honest, they were full of really good ideas. Problem is they've all been tried over the months and implimentation is simply a pipe dream without some sort of across the board cooperation. If they would package these great ideas with detailed
realistic ways of implimenting them, then it would only be reasonable to give them a shot.
In my experience admining Elite, if a modder/server killer is even asked if they are using a mod, 99% of the time they quickly deny even using one (when the proof is right there in front of us). They talk like they've got something to hide and are offended when asked simple questions. Also, most modders/server killers seem to believe the admins run their servers with blinders on. Wow, could that be any further from the truth. Riding a boat down the river of 'de nile' doesn't go a long way toward cooperation. 99% of server killers (and there's been tons!) I've chatted on Elite with couldn't care less how they are affecting others on the server. This fact alone makes it near impossible to work with them on a compromise.
Bottom line, I was presented ideas like it was an attempt at extortion (do this or else mentality) that did contain sound ideas, but were completely unrealistic. Been there, done that got the shirt to prove it. Fighting the good fight to keep this game pure is a yeomans task. We'll be back very soon, hopefully better equiped.
No one should be attempting to 'demand' anything from server admins. Even server kllers need servers more than the servers need them. I've said this before, and will say it again. All these server killers are more than welcomed to create their own server and run it like they choose. Heck I would LOVE to try out some of these things myself. But to expect an admin to listen to ideas from these server killers without coming to the table with honesty, an open ear and the willingness to compromise is destined to fail 100% of the time.
We post Elite's server RuleZ right on the server news, but no one seems to take the time to read them anymore.
It's not like we do not try to be up front with people, give credit where credit is due.
On a personal note, I've always be a big cheerleader for people that have the talent to alter Freelancer and make it even better than it was orignally designed. Some of these modification made to Freelancer are in a word, awe-inspiring. But I for one enjoy playing Freelancer
exactly as it was designed in out of the box condition and I feel if we asked the MP community much more than half would agree. (can I get a witness?) Maybe I'm way off base, but that's the feeling I get. Most would rather have more pilots in-game to interact with than fewer numbers trying out mods. The Freelancer server software simply can't handle big numbers of players when as few a one single person is using a mod. That is the cards we're dealt with.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programing....
Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator -
Lancers Reactor
Privateer FAQ
no good deed will ever go unpunished
Elite Freelancer Server
"Corwin02 spell-checked" for ackuracee