Firstly: Please spell my name correctly; you've already deleted the 24/7-Seattle-Based-compliant version of its spelling, so you should already be one-up without having to even look how it is spelled above.
Secondly: "An intellectual property is any product of the human intellect that is unique, novel, and unobvious (and has some value in the marketplace)." as according to the University of Texas at Arlington's Office of Technology Transfer. Yes, you have intellectual property stored on your server.
Thirdly: It was not my intent to discredit your service to the Freelancer community with this thread, but to make certain that those who use your server are VERY aware of your rules, and more importantly your totalitarian attitude, as displayed above, etc. BEFORE you delete their account because their name did not fit your guidelines. Your rules, as stated (and for the FOURTH TIME, yes I read them THROROUGHLY before playing and made EVERY attempt to abide by them; let's not personalize this too much, please) have some definate areas that are open to interpretation.
It should simply be stated that "NO NUMBERS are allowed in the names of this server except to designate rank." Period.
Lastly: I do indeed have my own server, however my naming convention does not allow for letters, unfortunately; you'd be disappointed.
Seriously, I do, however I am using many changing mods with a limited number of ppl, and it is therefore passworded to limit the amount of headache that would insue for ALL if I opened it up... versions, unauthorized mods, etc. But that is not what is at hand here..
Your server is the ONLY server I have
ever taken issue with, for the record, publically or no: the only one. You and I might have had a nice and friendly email exchange that I courteously initiated, but we have now come to public forum. I am not brining to issue other servers in the community; I am not brining to issue anything other than this warning to the community about your server and to make even
clearer, your own rules.
Consider this a service to you and do not presume to personally demean me, or any other that brings grievances to light in good faith.
Fly friendly.
"Too the last, I grapple with thee..." -Melville
Edited by - 0bSiDe0 on 29-07-2003 01:10:03