1) I have noticed the occassional drops, I am investigating that with my ISP. Yes, the modem is resetting and dropping all connections briefly, some people stay in because it comes back with the same IP, just waits about 5 - 10 seconds. (about once every 6 - 10 hours)
2) I do not accept any MP accoutns from other servers. Sorry but if you want to play on my server you have to start fresh. Though all are welcome (as long as you don't cheat and can read the name rules)
3) My server resets are usually unplanned. Most of the time I give 15 minutes notice. When I have time, I go through and do all my bannings/deletions of characters. This is about once per day. At which time, I have to restart the FLServer.exe program to apply these changes (made using a program external to FLServer).
4) My server has only crashed about once in the past 2 weeks. I run FLAdmin to restart it automagically.
5) I encourage clans on my server, but discourage PK in Liberty space.
6) I have 2 trusted remote Admins. Do not ask to be one, If I need another I will ask the people I want and trust.
7) I have plans to eventually output all character information to a web page updated regularly so that everyone can track how they are doing in comparision to other players on their server (ETA unknown, and partly out of my control)
Thanks for playing on my server and thanks to those that posted their lag stats. Currently at 45 players the server is solid and stable using roughly 35% of my available upstream and 10% of my downstream and 30% CPU. If the server starts filling up (50 players) on a regular basis I do have plans to monitor for 2 days and possibly up the limit progressively to 75 - 100 players. Pre patch, FLServer would barf above 40 players.
Visit my server
24/7 Seattle Based
[email protected]