Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:16 pm

Shhh.... I''m hunting chweats...

Anyone able to share any good tips for detecting modders/cheaters?

Had a few players join and appear in New York at level 38 but, while I'm sure they're cheats, I can't monitor the server 24/7 so I don't know for sure they haven't levelled up legitimately.

One way to tell would be by checking the creation date on their account folder but Microsoft/DA, besides putting out a half-assed attempt at a server which makes it easy to cheat, also decided to use some ridiculous file/folder naming convention which makes it subsequently impossible, as far as I can tell, to detect them!

Anyone got any tips they can pass on? If you don't want to give too much away to the modders please e-mail me at [email protected]

