This is found in DATA\initialworld.ini (lines 67-74):
; Easter Egg Systems - Player is allowed to go to these systems, but not NPCs
npc_locked_gate = 2259929730 ; Hi02_to_Ew06_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3128701573 ; Hi01_to_Ew05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2974773122 ; Ew01_to_Li01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2942653837 ; Li04_to_Bw05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3030328194 ; Ew04_to_Hi01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3163920771 ; Bw05_to_Li04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3128521351 ; Hi01_to_Ew04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2868648589 ; Li01_to_Ew01_hole
What does it mean? Can someone translate these gate locations for me?
; Easter Egg Systems - Player is allowed to go to these systems, but not NPCs
npc_locked_gate = 2259929730 ; Hi02_to_Ew06_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3128701573 ; Hi01_to_Ew05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2974773122 ; Ew01_to_Li01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2942653837 ; Li04_to_Bw05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3030328194 ; Ew04_to_Hi01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3163920771 ; Bw05_to_Li04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3128521351 ; Hi01_to_Ew04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2868648589 ; Li01_to_Ew01_hole
What does it mean? Can someone translate these gate locations for me?