Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:16 pm by shank
I have run into the same problem. I recently decided to give the whole ship/faction/location start mod in MP a try. I changed the values in newcharacter.ini, but only on the server. I got the "player name exists..." message when I tried to start a new character. I had another user try as well, with the same results. My guess is that we needed to have the client side newcharacter.ini files modified as well. I misunderstood, and thought that this was a server side only mod. Apparently not the case.
So here is what I have been left with...
Now my account on my server has a character with no name. This character doesn't show up on the client's character list, but does show up as a blank in the "accounts" dialog box on the server. I tried deleting these "blank" characters, but they they won't go away. Now I am limited to 4 characters instead of 5 until I can delete this "blank" character. I assume that deleting the account and creating a new account will solve the problem, however, I don't want to loose my other existing MP characters. Anyone have any suggestions, or know a fix for this problem?
EDIT*** Well, I was able to figure out which *.fl files were holding the "blank" character names and deleted them from the account directory on the server. Be sure to backup the directory before attempting this, since you could accidentally delete the wrong character.
Do I need to have both the client and server newcharacter.ini files moded/synched to change the start location/faction/ship in MP?
EDIT*** After further research, it appears that both the client and server will need to have newcharacter.ini modified and synched to use this mod. A server side only solution is to edit the mpnewcharacter.fl file to change the start location and faction standings.
Is there a way to change the number of characters allowed for each account on the server? My account server will only allow 5 per account.
I'd better be lookin' at a fat retirement with this deal...
Edited by - shank on 19-04-2003 03:11:44