Which ships would that be?
Just giving you the texture s won't help as the UV mapping is gone.
Now I can convert them with UV mapping (at least those that are textured in the first place). Neame the specific ships in question and I'l lsee what I can do.
NOTE - I'll write down the procedure here with which you can get a UV mapped and textured mesh with textures of any ship I made for Freespace 2.
YOu'll need:
- Truespace (small 3d program, can be downloaded for free)
- Lithium Unwrapper (around 700kb, excelletn mapping and converting prog)
- PCS (around 2Mb - used to convert between FS2 and TS formats)
- models for Fs2 -> they can be found at
www.hades-combine.com 8lots of mine there9 nad some of mine are allso on my webspace (same link only /FS2/ instead of /Freelancer/ )
1. Unzip ship in question. you should ge textures and a pof file
2. Start PCS, open the pof file, select converion pof->cob and save it
3. Open the cob in Truespace and remove the extra lods, debris and turrets. Save the hull as a new .cob.
4. open the new .cob in Lithium and save it as a m3d file.
Your'e done!