Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:42 am by Darth-Vader
Well the ini constants are huge hers 2.
[zone <--- Zone (DOH)
nickname = Zone_Hi01_path_outcasts1_2 (what it is a patrol path)
pos = 8171, 0, 6125 (The position the middle number is the altaztude just to let ya know the right is declanation and left is acimination (Thats what I call them the outhers will say in X Y Z format whitch its practicly wehat it is.
rotate = -90, -81, 0 (whitch way it pointing.
shape = CYLINDER thers loads of shapes but i dont care about em
size = 750, 41816 the sixe from the MIDDLE point
sort = 74 DONT KNOW (yet)
toughness = 18 (HOW HARD ARE AI)
density = 5 how mutych ships
repop_time = 30 how fast they respanw
max_battle_size = 4 the max ships in a battle (the outhers will flee)
pop_type = trade_path (the type)
relief_time = 20 (how mutch time you got when everything is destroyd untyil they start respwning agasin.
path_label = outcasts1, 2 (dont kno)
usage = trade Whats its for
mission_eligible = true this is for missions but checj outher topics and it explains why u need this to be true for ur missins to work
faction_weight = fc_ou_grp, 10 (Who rides the path)
density_restriction = 1, patroller (Dont knbow)
density_restriction = 1, police_patroller (Dont knbow)
density_restriction = 1, pirate_patroller (Dont knbow)
encounter = tradep_trade_trader, 18, 1.000000 the ecxounter prop 18 stands for lev they are.
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1.000000 (and this is the encounter that the line above refers 2.
The second.
nickname = hostile < dont change
anim = neutral, 1, 0 <--- antimation
hotspot = 32, 32 < the real pointer that makjes the pushing
blend = 4 dont kno
spin = 0 spin
scale = 0.450000 dont kno
color = 191, 29, 29, 255 color in RGB and one of em is brightness I dont remember whitch.
Oh and BTW can anyone explin this? I took it from my mod and somwane gave the code to me for a hypergate.
name = sun01_fx
lifetime = 1.0
death_fuse = false
at_t = 0.000000
effect = gf_nomadwormhole
hardpoint = HpFx01