If you want to get into scripting check out the
XML Scripter version 2 by Paddy
If nothing else it will show you how xml works...
XML sripting could sound scarry to some but this program makes it easy.
So if you have hesitated to try your hand at creating scripts to add or change things in Freelancer here's your chance to understand how it works.
You don't even need to write the TAG's, because they will be generated automatically.
Also another xml scripting tool is the
ShipScripter-V1-2-1 made by Crabtree
Short Description:
The ShipScripter is an excellent program for shipwrights complete with a 21 page illustrated tutorial to make fully functional scripts for ships. With the ShipScripter you can generate fully functional scripts of ships.
And check out the
XML Toolkit Mod v1.2 by Argh
Short Description:
For modders, the Toolkit Mod offers them an easier starting-place. Most of the major features are very well documented- simply read through the commented INIs or look at the XML scripts that come with the mod to get going.