Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:17 pm by Darth-Vader
Ok this is how you do it from start to finish Step 1: go to freelancer/data/audio/music find nice music that you need.
Step 2: go to music.ini and add this
[Sound <------ Keep this the same
nickname = nomad_battle <-- Change this to whatever you want.
type = music <-- I dont know what it is but dont touch
file = audio\music\music_reveal_enemy_pos.wav <-this is where the music file is
attenuation = 0 <-------- Dont know what it is
So the 2 thing you need to edit for new music is file = line and nickname = line.
Step3: Now go to A typical system or where you want to add the music in and search for [music. There should be 3 lines below music, space = , danger = , and battle =. Now change the space, danger, or battle to the nickname in music.ini. So you can have lib space for battle.
If you want to add yor own music you first have to chnage that file to wav, Put it in the music directory and Repeat steps 2 and 3.
If you thout about changing music in the menu go to universe/systems/intro/baces/rooms and inside rooms thers should be 3 files: into1_cityscape.ini, intro2_volcano.ini, and intro3_planetchunk. Open one of them and there should be:
scene = ambient, Scripts\Intro\Intro_waterplanet.thn <---- This is the acual "movie" on the menu such as flying ships....
music = nomad_space <---- This is the music that is in music.ini in your nickname.
Now a little off track fl has more menu "movies" that you probably never seen
there located in scripts/intro and the ones that are in fl are gasminer, planetchunks, and volcano planet. The osirus and waterplanet are new and not included in normal fl only modded. To chnage the menu just change the
scene =
to whatever the file is and there ya go the new menu "movie"