Post Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:57 pm

You can go on to bases if you want to, but if you want to have random missions using the added factions then there is some more work to do. You need to update offerbribesresources.dll with additions that are linked to the ids_name number for the faction in initial_world. Then add to vignrette_params and killable solars. There is a tutorial for the offerbribes around somewhere..

Basewise, you need to add the base to the universe.ini file too, or you will not be able to dock.
Its best if you use freelancer explorer (FLE), to add all of the bases and deal with system stuff. Takes a little while to learn but its very helpful and a great program. I do add the names to the objects manually even when using FLE, but it might just be reading my custom dlll wrong.

With the custom dll, there should be a readme.txt type thing that tells you to search for the "start here" or something. Then you just add the name of the dll to the freelancer.ini in the exe folder.

Oh yeah the order and nomads? You can add them to the reputation screen, but you need to create a shadow faction instead. The same way as you have done so far, just called the nomads or order. You can paste the entries in from the existing faction's ok. I think that one's a hardcoded thing that is linked to the ids_name. Its set not to appear in the reputation window.

Edited by - M-A-C-E_166 on 9/11/2005 2:09:29 PM