Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:13 pm by Resender
i've done that but i feel like i'm turning in circles here can anyone help me by showing a working example
this what i got now
nickname = ne_n_grp
ids_name = New Europe Navy
ids_info = 66220
ids_short_name = NE Navy
rep = 0, li_n_grp
rep = 0, li_lsf_grp
rep = 0, li_p_grp
rep = 0, br_n_grp
rep = 0, br_p_grp
rep = 0, ku_n_grp
rep = 0, ku_p_grp
rep = 0, rh_n_grp
rep = 0, rh_p_grp
rep = 0, co_alg_grp
rep = 0, co_be_grp
rep = 0, br_m_grp
rep = 0, co_nws_grp
rep = 0, co_hsp_grp
rep = 0, co_ic_grp
rep = 0, co_khc_grp
rep = 0, co_kt_grp
rep = 0, rh_m_grp
rep = 0, co_me_grp
rep = 0, co_ni_grp
rep = 0, co_os_grp
rep = 0, co_rs_grp
rep = 0, co_shi_grp
rep = 0, co_ss_grp
rep = 0, co_ti_grp
rep = 0, co_vr_grp
rep = 0, fc_bd_grp
rep = 0, fc_b_grp
rep = 0, fc_c_grp
rep = 0, fc_fa_grp
rep = 0, fc_g_grp
rep = 0, fc_gc_grp
rep = 0, fc_h_grp
rep = 0, fc_j_grp
rep = 0, fc_lh_grp
rep = 0, fc_lr_grp
rep = 0, fc_lwb_grp
rep = 0, fc_m_grp
rep = 0, fc_ou_grp
rep = 0, fc_rh_grp
rep = 0, fc_or_grp
rep = 0, fc_u_grp
rep = 0, fc_x_grp
rep = 0, gd_gm_grp
rep = 0, fc_uk_grp
rep = -0.99, fc_n_grp
rep = 0, fc_ln_grp
rep = 0, fc_ku_grp
rep = 0, fc_rh_grp
rep = 0, fc_ouk_grp
rep = 0, fc_q_grp
rep = 0, fc_f_grp
rep = 0, gd_im_grp
rep = 0, gd_z_grp
rep = 0, gd_bh_grp
group = ne_n_grp
event = object_destruction, -0.030000
event = random_mission_success, 0.085900
event = random_mission_failure, -0.045000
event = random_missin_abortion, -0.067500
emphaty_rate = li_lsf_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = li_n_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = li_p_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = br_n_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = br_p_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = ku_n_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = ku_p_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = rh_n_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = rh_p_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_shi_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_khc_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_kt_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = br_m_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_me_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_be_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_rs_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_vr_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_ni_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = rh_m_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_ti_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_ic_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_ss_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_hsp_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_alg_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_os_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = co_nws_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_c_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_ou_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_rh_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_bd_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_j_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_h_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_m_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_x_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_b_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_g_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_lh_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_u_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_gc_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_lwb_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_fa_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_lr_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_or_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = gd_gm_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_uk_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_n_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_ln_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_kn_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_rn_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_ouk_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_g_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = fc_f_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = gd_im_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = gd_z_grp, 0
emphaty_rate = gd_bh_grp, 0
i still have to do the ships but that part i don't really understand very well
allso will it be possibale to get this new gfaction in freelancer explorer
or do i have to work the ini of the system as well
Remember i once started to devellop a mod for freelancer called Archangels of Europe
I'm picking up the thread where i left 1.5 years ago, but now i'm going to do like a hobby so i can't promise it will ever be released
if there people who want to give me models there more then welcome 2
if i get custom models could someone help me to incoperate these
Edited by - Resender on 9/10/2005 3:23:01 PM