Post Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:48 am

Add IDS Info for a new system

I have spotted somthing when creating a new system, which I want to know how to fix.

I know how to create and add custom ID's Names and Info entries using a blank DLL file, that's not a problem. But after creating a new system and then re-starting my game after I entered my new system created.

I noticed when you go to load your character. It doesn't recordnise the new system on the player load page. I'm in my new system and it just says "START HERE". Rather than it saying what system I'm currently in. That being my new custom system which I have given an IDS Name and also IDS Info which is displayed correctly in the game itself. Instead of it saying "Start Here".

How can that be fixed so when you load a new character it displays the New System name created on the Character player load page.

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 8/8/2005 9:54:05 AM

Edited by - Gary Bolton on 8/8/2005 9:54:48 AM