Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:01 pm

Small question again.

I've looked for this answer and kind of can't find what I am looking for but found something that was close but wasn't clear, so I'll post it here.
Ok I am making this system and I want to get a huge fight going with nomads and the other good guy factions and their tough battle ships. Everything is going great, The battle ships show up and the fighters come but not all together.
I've set it up so it would become a huge battle like 20 to 70 NPC at once. That's what I am hoping for.
But I been fiddling around with the sort, repop time, ect. and I can't get them to all show up at the same time. I've gotten to get this one zone to do this but I copy and tryed it with this one and it's not working.
Could I have some help here or some tips on what works and what doesn't to make stuff like this.
This would really help and get me to other things I need to fix up in my mod before I release it.