Uh, say what? I mean, you haven't tried negative numbers before? Well, I actually find this surprising that nobody's messed with this ... Nah, surely someone's already figured this out ... But, since they haven't spoken up, I'll tell what I've found so far.
Yes, negtive numbers work for weapons. Let me clarify - from my testing, negtive values work fine for energy damage, but the total energy dmg dealt must be greater than or equal to 0 -- no, you can't have a "medic" gun that does negetive shield damage on your target (like targeting a friend/ally in MP and pumping energy into his shield with yout gun). And total energy damage values less than 0 seem to just do the absolute value of the negtive number - that's where things get all hairy and messy.
But I don't think anyone would really want a medic gun anyways - there is no logical or reasonable explanation of such a ridiculous thing
Negative values do NOT work for hulls, however. I have tried numerous things, sorta like making powerplant augmentors that have negative power drain, which FL interprets as energy boost. But hull does not work that way apparently. I once tried to make a healing bay, which would be an area near a base that you could fly into (a little zone that had negative hull damage in it) and repair without having to dock and do it manually. But negative hull dmg doesn't work to repair. But I don't think that it does what neg energy dmg does, either (the thing with the absolute value, basically ignoring the negativity of the number).
And about the sapper-gun idea - it's a cool one, and one that's in some other good games (Freespace, anyone?), but this is not possible in FL. The gun has to deal a lot of shield damage to sap power.
Oh, well, I take that back -- it is possible, but you will have inaccurate stats in the info screen. You'd have to make a gun that deals very little hull dmg and a lot of shield dmg, then make a modifier type (W_Sapper01 or something) that only does 0.001 the shield damage for all shields. This would mean that it would do the amount of hull specified in the ammo entry, then one-thousandth of the total energy dmg dealt, and then,
theoretically, a large amount of energy loss by targets. I guess you might be able to test this by taking a Tizona and adding a new modifer for it, making it a sapper ...
And let me tell you - it sucks having 8
Banshees firing 3 Tachyons apiece at you - your shield goes down, then your power just goes
zzzpf - and you're constantly trying to get off accurate and damaging salvoes at one of your harassers... So yeah, it works very well, but it is not something tha I want ALL of the weapons in the game to do.
I guess I could scale the powerplant stuff and weapon usage by 100 or something, making the powerplant capacities/recharge a lot larger, numerically speaking, but then everything still draws the same ratio of energy ... that way 500 energy amage is next to nothing for a 250000 cap/25000 rchrg poweprlant.
Well I guess I'll try that idea. Heh, hope that cleared up some stuff, for anyone who dind't know ...
- Ro9ue
Edited by - Ro9ue on 7/16/2005 12:14:08 AM