Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:46 pm by Argh
Guns, Guns, Guns.
Digital Anvil's game design doesn't make sense , either for SP or MP. It makes a lot more sense for SP than for MP, but it still doesn't make sense. I have designed many, many games of various kinds at this point, and here are just a few things that make no sense to me, and how I've re-approached solving them. You can argue that my solutions are unneeded, of course- most FL players don't seem to really give a hoot, since cheating and lag are both major drags on online play anyhow. But I decided to take a long look at fixing things anyhow, because... as a player... it has always bugged me that this huge, sprawling game design is so full of absolutely useless crap and genuine bona-fide deadwood.
For example, because of FL's aiming system, weapons that are slow velocity won't track correctly, if you have a weapon that's faster-velocity mounted. This is because the lead indicator works off of the weapon with the highest muzzle velocity. If DA had really thought the implications of that through, they probably could've made multiple lead indicators show up... each one a little smaller, more transparent, or whatever... to show where your slower guns were actually going to hit. But... ah well. The point is... this is a serious problem, and needs to be addressed by any modder claiming to have "improved" the game's balance in any substantive fashion.
So, not only are slow-velocity weapons penalized on their effective range (these weapons, without any exceptions I can think of, use a lifetime of 1) and their time-to-target (if a target is 300M away, it takes a weapon moving at 750 only 0.4 seconds to get there, as opposed to 0.46 seconds for a weapon moving at 650... and a twentieth is a long time against a human opponant), but they're also penalized by not aiming right- a lead-indicator curve that's perfect for a weapon moving at 750 is wrong by a large amount (we're talking missing entirely here) for a weapon moving 650, when both weapons start firing at maximum range. This effect is a lot less noticable at close ranges, of course... but it's a penalty, and DA's designers didn't seem to take it into account. Not only that... but slow-velocity weapons are often the ones that fire more slowly (which, again, penalizes them on hit-rates)... and their damage/energy ratios, while usually favorable... aren't THAT favorable. And in a few, utterly-bizarre cases, it's actually un-favorable... please, somebody explain that to me... how can anybody designing a game make a gun that has absolutely zero going for it?
The good news... is that this issue is easily fixable, with three different methods:
1. Make all guns use the same velocity, but different rates of fire, and then give bonuses in terms of damage/energy efficiency to weapons with lower refire_rate/lifetime. This cancels out most of the problems all at once, but leaves in some guesswork- just how many shots miss when ships pass between the rounds fired at lower refire rates? I don't know, and I don't think anybody can answer that definatively- obviously, skill on both sides matters a lot here.
2. Use different velocities, and give an additional bonus to weapons with low-velocity shots to reflect their accuracy disparities when mixed with high-velocity weapons. I rejected this, mainly because I felt like this was continuing to beat a dead horse... DA tried it, and failed miserably. Liberty plasma weapons were just cool until you realized that shieldbusters were a lot more effective...
3. Make the gun mix so that for every weapon "type", there are low and high-velocity versions with different damage/energy ramps... to reflect the lower hit-rate of lower-velocity weapons. This has the noted disadvantage of making a really messy set of balancing curves... and you're never going to get it "perfect". Sounds like a good way to let twinks have a field-day... and DA tried some of that, too. Speed 700 weapons, anyone? Yeah, uh-huh... no.
...or you could just leave well-enough alone, and have some weapons continue to be patently useless from a hardcore player's perspective. Which, quite honestly, is how things stood after my last balancing attempt. I was quite annoyed with the final results, which were only off by a small amount... but still wrong. I thought I'd gotten it licked, until I began to really torture-test things, and saw those small but important flaws that any hardcore player would immediately start to sort out. It was a little exasperating, but I went back to the design, and here are my current solutions.
When I finally analyzed my options (and yes, there are more ways to game this out, but they're essentially different permutations of 1, 2 and 3, above)... I decided to settle on no. 1, because it makes the most sense to me. Players will mainly notice that weapons seem to be more consistant about hitting what they aim at, but it won't really bother them otherwise. And I'd already gotten pretty close with my previous ratios of energy/damage, so this approach would just involve one big find-and-replace to get all of the energy weapons at the same speed... and then a lot've hand-tweaking.
This is my current, best-guess attempt to finally make all of the guns balanced:
refire_rate = 0.12
hull_damage = 25 X Level
power_consumption = 5 X Level
lifetime = 1
muzzle_velocity = 750
As you will (hopefully) see, Lasers are the "default" weapon. Every other weapon type deviates in one or more ways.
So, time to assess bonuses/penalties. Here's what I've ended up with:
First off, a note should be made, for clarity's sake. "Weapon type" refers to the generic damage categories I made, when I was trying to roughly model DA's original curves, but get everything to a 5:1 damage/energy ratio for a better balance. So, for example, this means that a Plasma gun has a base damage at Level One of 150, and costs 30 points to fire. Any bonuses it gets are, therefore, applied at 6X of a Laser, which is the default, because that's the ratio of their damage.
Here are the formal notes:
Basic Stats
Laser, Tachyon and Photon: 25 damage X level, 5 Power X level.
Plasma: 150 damage X level, 30 Power X level.
Neutron and Particle: 75 damage X level, 15 Power X level.
Why these levels? Because, in short... I'm trying to stay roughly near what DA did, so that players aren't utterly confused. Using a simple ratio like that gives me plenty of room to move around in, too.
0.12 means that hull_damage = 0 + weapon type damage X level.
0.25 means that hull_damage = 2 + weapon type damage X level.
0.35 means that hull_damage = 4 + weapon type damage X level.
Note that this curve goes very sharply up... and means literally hundreds more damage with some weapons at the high end. Accuracy decreases rapidly with lower refire rates, so something had to be done, and this is the curve I'm working on now.
Lifetime/Effective Range
0.8 means that Power_Consumption = -1 + weapon type Power_Consumption X level.
1.0 means that Power_Consumption = 0 + weapon type Power_Consumption X level.
1.2 means that Power_Consumption = 2 + weapon type Power_Consumption X level.
IOW, a Level 1 Plasma gun, which has a lifetime of 0.8, would've eaten 30 Power before... and now eats 24. Big whoop, right? Well, at the high end... level 10 Plasma eats only 240, instead of 300... 60 Power per shot in savings. Add that to the damage bonus for having a lower refire rate, and... ouch... those are going to hurt, if they hit. Let's look at a level 10 Plasma gun:
150 base damage X 10 + (24 X 10) = 1740
30 Power X 10 - (6 X 10) = 240
1740 / 240 = 7.25... therefore, a Plasma weapon's damage/energy ratio is 7.25:1... which beats the heck out've 5:1. The real question in playtesting therefore becomes one of whether it's enough, too much, or too little... and obviously a very small change can have a very large impact here.
Tachyons get a major hit. Costing 7 points to fire at Level One, as opposed to 5 for Lasers, they cost 20 more at the high end. Better make that extra range count... because otherwise Tachyons are horribly inefficient killers. 4.2:1 is not a very good ratio... it means that you get 4.2 points of damage for every point of energy you put out. The high refire rate will help you hit at long range, but still... it's a poor choice if your aim sucks, or your ship lacks enough manueverability to stay away from enemies. On the other hand... for PvP dueling with engine-kill in play, Tachyons could very easily let you get a lot of extra shots in while your opponant closes. After all, that 1.2 lifetime translates into a range of 900...
Photons get a lower range, but have the same refire rate... so they get a distinct bonus.
4 energy per 25 points of hull_damage may not sound great, but at the high end, we're talking 40 points per shot, as opposed to 50. That can quickly add up, at 8.33 shots per second, with 6 guns:
Laser, Level 10: 50 * 6 * 8.33 = 2499
Photon, Level 10: 40 * 6 * 8.33 = 1999
Either weapon is pretty energy-friendly, to be sure, but Photons can fire a lot longer, and that translates into a LOT more damage. If you look at the example above... the Photons get to fire just over 12 more times there... and at 250 per shot at level 10, this means that you've (theoretically) done 3000 more damage. Yikes. But you've got to get close, and stay close to your enemies.
Neutrons are "more of the same". They get a damage bonus for their lower refire rate, but it's minor. Once again, it does pile up at the high end, but it's not gigantic.
Particles, on the other hand, are kind've whacky. Having a range advantage and a refire disadvantage... here's how it stacks up at Level 10:
damage = 750 + (6 X 10) = 810
energy = 150 + (6 X 10) = 210
Final ratio for Particles? 3.9:1, damage/energy- worse than Tachyons, which is sad. And guess what? I can't honestly decide whether that's "fair" or not, because at that range, the refire rate probably hurts more... but at least you can engage. And because the damage curve is set higher to begin with... any hits you get are going to hurt. One volley from 6 Particle guns is perfectly capable of shredding most ships' hitpoints to zero, or putting a big dent in their Shields- 4800 damage isn't a joke. I just don't think I'd use them, myself.