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Some minor adjuestments to FL

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:43 pm

Some minor adjuestments to FL

Hi i'm just starting in this mpodding buniese and i jsut want to start small and i need help with how to change the ship's prices and how to make the AIs use their bots and have shield regen

i already have SDK downloaded and loaded i also have the freelancer misc. data base downloaded and i think i got a hang of editing the price of ships and weapons but just need a more detailed walkthrought and i'm still tryiung to find a turtoial for making AI use their bots and have shield regen

This is a very big bench mark for me as i decided to become a game programmer and i think that FL (with most of its files in *.ini form) is easier to eidt and i wanted to start really small b4 i do anything drastic.

Thanks in advance

Post Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:25 am

Wow - I respect you!! You started like me, easy and small, and will slowly progress, unlike the average person that storms in here and says "I want to remake FL, help me now", and then gives up 10 minutes later.

Anyway, look in the tutorial section for the AI sheild regen and using bots/bats. I found a tutorial there, and it works all as it should for me. I think it's in the compilation thread, along with alot of easy-ish things that you can start out with.

As for ship prices, theres two ways you can do this:

1) Find your way to DATA\EQUIPMENT\Goods.ini , and scroll down past the commodity listings. Right beneath there should be good entries as such:
[Good <------------ This square bracket is closed, as you can see in the .ini files, but this site won't let you close them
nickname = lf_hull <-------------------Nickname, is how the game recognises individual entries. The nickname must be unique
category = shiphull <------------------What the good entry is. In this case, as you can see, it's the hull of a ship. I'd be worried if it wasn't!!
ship = li_fighter <--------------------This is saying what ship hull this good entry is referring to. If I'm right in remembering, li_fighter is the patriot. I think these are in the misc. database, but I'm not sure....
price = 7500 <-------------------------This is what your after, the cost of the hull.
ids_name = 12001 <------------ids_name and ids_info are things you will see alot around the .ini files. They are the names you will see in the game, ids_name is the name, ids_info is the infocard. However, these are more comlicated and will take awhile to explain so I wont go through it here.
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\li_fighter.3db <------This is the little icon picture you see by the ship when you buy it/sell it (in the shipdealer screen). There is one individual one for every ship in the game (except maybe some un-buyable ones). There is a tutorial around here somewhere explaining how you can make your own, and they use the same idea for commoditites (and weapons/equipment too, I guess).

Yeah, see the price = listing? Thats what you want. Change that, and hey presto, your ship hull costs however much you changed it to to buy (the sell price will change to, not sure how much though).

2) Find market_ships.ini in DATA\EQUIPMENT. There will be lines like this under headers of bases - the bases are nicknamed as Br01_01 (Planet New London), Li01_01 (Planet Manhatten) etc., you can find these in the misc database.
marketgood = gf1_package, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
It's the numbers your after this time. Ignore them all except the last one. The others indicate what level you must be to buy the ship, what reputation you need and whether it's sold on the base or not. The very last one indicates the price multiplyer. The price is defined in Goods.ini, like I said above.
So, if you change the last number to 5, it will be on sale for 5 times the amount listed in goods.ini, change it to 10, then it'll be 10 times the amount, etc.
On default, everything in the game (except commodities, to give a market ) is set as 1.

There you go. There is another way, in which you could set the price of equipment and mount that on the ships package, but thats more complicated. You will probabaly learn that in time, as I did.

bear in mind though, that the ships hull is not the only thing you buy when you buy a ship, so the price will most likely be more than what you said. All the equipment that comes with the ship also counts towards it's selling price.

Hope that helps, any questions, just ask.


P.S. I hope someone else didn't reply in the time I was typing this!!

EDIT:: Yay, I got in first!! Anyway, edited spelling, and added notes on the Goods.ini example (If I droned on a bit on some of them, then sorry)

Edited by - Lethal Dosage on 3/28/2005 1:34:11 AM

Edited by - Lethal Dosage on 3/28/2005 1:35:03 AM

Edited by - Lethal Dosage on 3/28/2005 1:36:31 AM

Post Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:21 pm

Also, If you plan to be a game programmer professionally (Make Money at it), you need to plan on a Double Major in Math and Computer Science with a heavy emphasis on calculus and statistical mathematics and a minor in Computer Graphics. Also, forget having a social life.

In the meantime, take it slow and learn at your own pace. But know this: Freelancer is one of the most flexible game engines I have ever seen so not all games give you this much access without programming knowledge.

Good Luck and go after it!

"No Comment"

Post Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:11 pm

heh thanks for the help and comment Leathal Dosage i'm sure that there is is command somewhere in FL that makes it so that the sell price is porpostional to the buy price (like the command that is sellprice = (buyprice)*1/3 , makes the sell price 1/3 of the buy price although they probelly have a diff name for it)

To Glock36
Yes i did know that i went to a unversity information night (forced by my parents since i'm only in gr.9 but its when i set my life path to game programming/designing) and i got the infomation on unversity of Waterloo (Canadian unversity, btw i'm a chinese immigrant in canada, a canadian now ) i'm prepared to the courses as i'm in IB (International Baccalaureate), its a advanced learing programe that will get me finish most of my high school career in grade 11. In grade 12 i will able to take advanced courses like theroies of knowledge (to some colleges and unversities they will take 1 year off your course if enrolled but Waterloo don't let me do that ) i'm very, very artistically challenged and i'm spelling channelged (being a immigrant.............) but i think i can cope with it and hopefully when i do start to programme i would have an art team making the art for me lol. Also i think that i don't really have a life now lol

Edit: Leathal Dosage i cannot find a tourtial about the AI nano and shield usaage and shield regen in the tourtial with the search (forum) and search (with my firefox browser) can ya provide a link?

Edited by - TheHolyLancer on 3/30/2005 11:14:44 PM

Post Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:43 pm

Sure, didnt take long. Your after This
Scroll down a little (about 6 posts, including the starting ones) until you get to Chip's first answer. There you go, AI Shield regen, and AI use Bots/Bats.

Good luck modding,

Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:15 pm

hehe ty

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:27 pm

o and where should i post next time? i posted in generals cuz i though thst there would be most ppl posting, for soem time i thiunk that i won't doing anything groundbreaking so i don;t think the regulares would like to hear my rumblings, where is the best place for me to post?

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:12 pm

dunno if i should ask this, but how do ya change the starting ship and $$ u get in the open SP1.1 mod? (i herd about not change someoen's mod cuz its theirs property, plz tell me if this is true)

Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:36 pm

You should not change another mod unless you have their permission to do so. Some mods allow people to make other mods using theirs as a framework to begin from instead of straight from Vanilla Freelancer. But always check first with the Mod Development team for that mod and always, always give credit.

And heavan forbid that you change an MP mod just to gain an unfair advantage on someones server (most servers can catch those people out though).

Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:04 am

And It's fine to post in the General Board with questions - I've done it a few times before. Almost everyone here will be glad to help any reasonable questions, the only exceptions are if:
1) The question is in conflict with the rules.
2) The question hs been asked seven thousand times before and can be easily answered by the Search function.
3) No one knows the answer
or 4) The question is not explained clearly, so no one really knows how to help.

Post Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:19 pm

ok after me doing the bots/shield regen and commedity prices i find it that it increased my gaming time significalty and the load auto save buttom is now pressed more (stupid no auto buy bots.............) sonn i find my self way over my head with a lot of things with these little changes i can enjoy my game more hehe now i ask what else is there becides since i'm truely a newbie modder i doin;t even know what is to mod! maybe that ship package thing that LD was telling me about? or maybe selling ships at bases that they shouldn;t be? (seems easy enough with all that 0,0,1,-1 stuff....) any thoughts on what to try next?

modding is funner than i though, maybe eventaully i can change AIs!

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:15 pm

My suggestion would be to download and play some of the other MODs out there right now and see what, and how much, they changed. After that you can start picking them apart to see how they made those changes. After everything is said and done there is not a lot you can't find a way to change in FL, some things just take more imagination and effort then others.

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:04 pm

hmm so no AI changes? i was hoping to make rank with AIs matter (look in liberty a rookie pioliting a startracker while a regular piolting a starflier??) and i had very bad experiences with mods as they unbalances the game for ya (sabre in liberty????)

since i;m a person who is thoinlk about making gamnes for a career i sorta needs something alone the line of a development like in any game, i don;t know but i jsut don;t like the idea of uber ships fly past me(i guess that is y i'm mad about how the prices of ships and weps are very very very low and within 2 hr you can get the best ship in the game....... and wanting to change it )

Edited by - TheHolyLancer on 4/6/2005 12:07:59 AM

Post Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:33 pm


I spotted your post while trying to get a sense of modding by reading the forum, there's a lot to learn, and most of the stuff you have questions about have answers in the posts. Use the search for subjects.

There are quite a few serious mods available that are very well balanced and very complex. These large mods, there's a listing in the forum, are a goldmine of information on what can be done with FreeLancer. I would suggest that you try some of the big mods, not the one shot addons, and get a feel for changing the game.

Again, read the forums, the info you want is there.

Good luck

Some say "The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard"
I say, "Actually, the problem is too many lifeguards and not enough F___ing chlorine"

Post Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:11 pm

hmmm ok but most of the big mod (or converstions) i seem are more PVP based and i'm more of a PVE player (and because i have a crappy PC and can't even run FL well in SP.........)

and how u use the serach function?? if itsthe one on the homepage then it only gives news. faqs and files..... no forum

Edited by - TheHolyLancer on 4/6/2005 10:14:09 PM

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