1. You need the images of the way down to the planet, would take lots of time making those, especially if its going to work on multiple planets.
2. You need to either make the Docking ring invisible or just keep it
3. You need to change the atmosphere files
4. and last but not least, you need to think if its worth making it.
Think about it, i meen yeah i'd love this MOD if it existed, but.
And thats a big BUT, you need to add so much to one planet, and try to make it look like FL graphics, the Atmoshpere needs to be deleted so that you can fly down, plus that you haveto change so that yo come closer (perhaps the atmosphere is like some kind of cloud) so that you come out of the cload and see the next bunch of images showing the planetscape.
Also, if you would want some kind of Docking down there you could add an invisible docking ring that streches through out the whole planet, that makes it look like you just fly down.
Im waiting
Liam 'shadow505' O'Neill