Why don`t factions do what they`re meant to?
I don`t get it.....
I`ve already added 12 + factions to the game and they all behave perfectly (thank you very much).. So why is it, I add another one and it dosen`t?
Is there a limit to the amount of factions that you can add to the game? It might seem like its obviously no, but i`m not sure.
Well, new faction called "Eastern Coalition" (not that it matters)
Its initial world entry is now totally blank, All other factions have an initial entry of 0 toward them. In empathy, its values are all blank and again everybody elses are 0. So everybody should ignore them, but they don`t, instead everybody is gripped in a bloodlust at the mere sight of them and attacks. They are classed as lawful in factionprop and in npcships and don`t have anything in their loadouts to draw attention( i`ve added to the scanning lists).
Any ideas? As usual, any help would be appreciated..